47-11F-11. Corporate name.
The corporate name of a corporation formed pursuant to this chapter shall end with the words, Professional Corporation, or the abbreviation, P.C. or PC, or the word, Limited, or the abbreviation, Ltd. The name of any limited liability company shall end with the words, Professional Limited Liability Company, or the abbreviation, Prof. L.L.C., Prof. LLC, P.L.L.C., or PLLC, or the words, Limited Liability Company, or the abbreviation, L.L.C. or LLC. The name of any limited liability partnership shall end with the words, Professional Limited Liability Partnership, or the abbreviation, P.L.L.P. or PLLP, or the words, Limited Liability Partnership, or the abbreviation, L.L. P. or LLP.
Source: SL 2000, ch 219, §11; SL 2020, ch 197, § 7.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Section 47-11F-1 - Definition of terms.
Section 47-11F-2 - Professional corporation defined.
Section 47-11F-4 - Certificates of registration required--Application.
Section 47-11F-5 - Action upon application--Duration of certificate.
Section 47-11F-6 - Posting of certificate required.
Section 47-11F-8 - Suspension or revocation of certificate--Grounds.
Section 47-11F-11 - Corporate name.
Section 47-11F-12 - Ownership of property--Investment of funds.
Section 47-11F-13 - Professional practice or service without license not permitted.
Section 47-11F-14 - Exercise of powers accorded by governing law--Conditions.
Section 47-11F-16 - Relationship between health care provider and patient unaffected.
Section 47-11F-17 - Confidentiality of patient records.
Section 47-11F-18 - Licensing boards to promulgate rules to implement chapter.