South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 11A - Chiropractic Corporations
Section 47-11A-4 - Words or abbreviations required in corporate name--Ethical standards.

47-11A-4. Words or abbreviations required in corporate name--Ethical standards.
The name of a corporation formed under §47-11A-1 shall contain the words "professional company" or "professional corporation" or abbreviations thereof, such as "Prof. Co.," "Prof. Corp.", "P.C.", or "PC". The name of a limited liability company formed under §47-11A-1 shall contain the words "professional limited liability company" or the abbreviation "Prof. L.L.C.", "Prof. LLC", "P.L.L.C.", or "PLLC". In addition, the name of the corporation or limited liability company shall always meet the ethical standards established for the names of chiropractic firms by the canons of professional ethics of the South Dakota Chiropractors Association as if all the stockholders of the corporation or members of the limited liability company were partners.

Source: SL 1970, ch 258, §1 (1); SL 1993, ch 344, §39F; SL 2020, ch 197, § 2.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 47 - Corporations

Chapter 11A - Chiropractic Corporations

Section 47-11A-1 - Formation of corporation and limited liability company authorized.

Section 47-11A-1.1 - Definition of terms.

Section 47-11A-2 - Purpose of corporation.

Section 47-11A-3 - Powers and privileges restricted to corporate purpose.

Section 47-11A-4 - Words or abbreviations required in corporate name--Ethical standards.

Section 47-11A-5 - Shareholding restricted to licensed chiropractors--Active practice required.

Section 47-11A-5.1 - Revocable trust as shareholder--Conditions.

Section 47-11A-6 - Disposition of shares when shareholder no longer eligible.

Section 47-11A-7 - Qualifications of president, directors, and officers.

Section 47-11A-12.1 - Personal liability of shareholders, directors, and officers of professional corporations or members or managers of limited liability companies limited for corporate or individual obligations--Exception.

Section 47-11A-12.2 - Amendment of articles of incorporation to be consistent with law.

Section 47-11A-13 - Articles of incorporation filed with chiropractic examiners--List of shareholders and employees.

Section 47-11A-14 - Purchase at book value of shares of deceased or ineligible shareholder.

Section 47-11A-15 - Corporate practice of chiropractic restricted--Application of canons of ethics.

Section 47-11A-16 - Pension and insurance plans for employees--Restrictions on terms.

Section 47-11A-17 - Standards of professional conduct binding on corporation.

Section 47-11A-18 - Violation as ground for revocation of chiropractic license.

Section 47-11A-19 - Individual professional obligations unimpaired--Individual subject to discipline.

Section 47-11A-20 - Relationship with patient unchanged.

Section 47-11A-21 - Management of deceased or substantially disabled chiropractor's practice.