46-8-6. Multiple water conduits prohibited where single conduit sufficient.
The right of eminent domain may not be exercised to allow two or more pipelines, canals, ditches, or other water conduits to be constructed on lands owned by any person when a single pipeline, canal, ditch, or other water conduit can feasibly convey the water.
Source: SDC 1939, §61.0417; SL 1955, ch 431, §1; SL 1983, ch 314, §138.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Section 46-8-1 - Right of eminent domain for application or conveyance of water for beneficial use.
Section 46-8-1.1 - Limit on exercise of right of eminent domain.
Section 46-8-1.2 - Location of routes restricted.
Section 46-8-2 - Permission required for entry on land for surveys--Liability for damages.
Section 46-8-2.1 - Order of circuit court for entry on land.
Section 46-8-6 - Multiple water conduits prohibited where single conduit sufficient.
Section 46-8-7 - Plat of route for water conduit--Certification and recording.
Section 46-8-8 - Right for location of route an easement.
Section 46-8-10 - Reasonable access to land.
Section 46-8-18 - Right to cross school and public lands--Notice to commissioner.