South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 10 - Adjudication Of Water Rights
Section 46-10-3.2 - Commencement of action for general adjudication--Service.

46-10-3.2. Commencement of action for general adjudication--Service.
Except as provided in §46-10-3.3 for actions in which the named defendants number one hundred or more, an action for general adjudication shall be commenced and service shall be made as in other civil cases.

Source: SL 1980, ch 305, §8.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 46 - Water Rights

Chapter 10 - Adjudication Of Water Rights

Section 46-10-1 - Action for general adjudication of water or water use rights--When attorney general to bring.

Section 46-10-1.1 - Procedure in actions for general adjudication.

Section 46-10-1.2 - Orders in actions involving one hundred or more defendants.

Section 46-10-2 - Jurisdiction and venue of action for general adjudication.

Section 46-10-2.1 - Deposit of documents and orders with court.

Section 46-10-2.2 - Documents and orders as prima facie evidence--Certified copies admissible.

Section 46-10-2.3 - Powers and duties of court conducting general adjudication.

Section 46-10-3 - Parties to action for general adjudication.

Section 46-10-3.1 - Adding additional defendants as parties.

Section 46-10-3.2 - Commencement of action for general adjudication--Service.

Section 46-10-3.3 - Defendants numbering one hundred or more--Commencement of action--Service.

Section 46-10-3.4 - Captioning complaint for general adjudication.

Section 46-10-4.1 - Action to determine conflicting water or water use rights--Court's powers and duties--Caption of action.

Section 46-10-5 - Action for general adjudication or to determine conflicting water rights--Copies of complaints mailed to Water Management Board.

Section 46-10-6 - Action for general adjudication or to determine conflicting rights--Proof of notice of suit to water management board.

Section 46-10-7 - Intervention by attorney general.

Section 46-10-8 - Judgment in action for general adjudication or to determine conflicting rights--Certified copy filed with board.

Section 46-10-8.1 - Appointment of water master to administer interim or final decree.

Section 46-10-13 - Appeal to board from acts or decisions of water master--Appeal to circuit court.