South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 06D - Uranium Exploration
Section 45-6D-56 - Violation--Forfeiture of surety--Proceedings by attorney general.

45-6D-56. Violation--Forfeiture of surety--Proceedings by attorney general.
The attorney general, upon request of the Board of Minerals and Environment, shall institute proceedings to have the surety of the operator forfeited for violation by the operator of an order entered pursuant to §45-6D-51. Before making such request of the attorney general, the board shall notify the operator in writing of the alleged violation of or noncompliance with such order and shall afford the operator the right to appear before the board at a hearing to be held not less than thirty days after the receipt of such notice by the operator. At the hearing the operator may present for the consideration of the board statements, documents, and other information with respect to the alleged violation. After the conclusion of the hearings, the board shall either withdraw the notice of violation or shall request the attorney general to institute proceedings to have the surety of the operator forfeited as to the land involved. A corporate surety shall have the option to reclaim the lands in question, plug the appropriate test holes, or forfeit the bond penalty.

Source: SL 1982, ch 307, §56.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 45 - Mining, Oil and Gas

Chapter 06D - Uranium Exploration

Section 45-6D-1 - Citation of chapter.

Section 45-6D-2 - Legislative findings and policy.

Section 45-6D-3 - Definition of terms.

Section 45-6D-4 - Permit or surety not required by governmental office or political subdivision.

Section 45-6D-5 - Laws applicable to operations on state-owned land.

Section 45-6D-6 - Application for permit for exploration operations--Items comprising application.

Section 45-6D-7 - Application form--Contents.

Section 45-6D-8 - Reclamation plan required.

Section 45-6D-9 - Reclamation plan--Contents.

Section 45-6D-10 - Map of permit area.

Section 45-6D-11 - Copy of application filed with register of deeds--Public inspection.

Section 45-6D-12 - Notice of application--Publication.

Section 45-6D-13 - Notice to Department of Game, Fish and Parks--Restrictions concerning riparian habitat.

Section 45-6D-14 - Notice to state archaeologist--Restrictions concerning site disturbances.

Section 45-6D-15 - Confidential information in application protected--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 45-6D-16 - Consultation with surface owner--Restrictions of owner.

Section 45-6D-17 - Domestic water wells--Information required of operator.

Section 45-6D-18 - Fee for application.

Section 45-6D-19 - Inspection of area prior to issuance or renewal of permit--Surety for costs of plugging test holes and reclamation.

Section 45-6D-20 - Criteria for determining amount of surety.

Section 45-6D-21 - Surety bond--Surety other than bond--Considerations by board.

Section 45-6D-22 - Cash or securities in lieu of surety.

Section 45-6D-23 - Surety payable to state--Conditions required.

Section 45-6D-24 - Surety liability continues until released.

Section 45-6D-25 - Surety penalty--Amount.

Section 45-6D-26 - Objections--Statements in support of application--Notice and hearing.

Section 45-6D-27 - County request for hearing on application.

Section 45-6D-28 - Hearing on application--Notice--Time for decision.

Section 45-6D-29 - Grant of permit if application in compliance with law--Grounds for denial.

Section 45-6D-30 - Term of permit--Triennial renewal.

Section 45-6D-31 - Notice to county commissioners of approval of or denial of permit or renewal.

Section 45-6D-32 - Exploration operations--Applicable laws.

Section 45-6D-33 - Capping, sealing, and plugging test holes--Temporary delay.

Section 45-6D-34 - Capping, sealing, and plugging test holes--Rules.

Section 45-6D-36 - Test holes converted to water wells.

Section 45-6D-37 - Roads and trails.

Section 45-6D-38 - Restoration of drill sites and affected land.

Section 45-6D-39 - Penetration of aquifer--Notice to board.

Section 45-6D-40 - Penetration of aquifer--Report required.

Section 45-6D-41 - Geological conditions--Report required.

Section 45-6D-42 - Geological conditions reports confidential--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 45-6D-43 - Renewal of permit--Information required.

Section 45-6D-44 - Renewal of permit--Notice of application.

Section 45-6D-45 - Renewal of permit--Confidentiality of required information.

Section 45-6D-46 - Renewal of permit--Objections--Statements in support of application--Notice and hearing.

Section 45-6D-47 - Renewal of permit--Hearing on application--Notice--Time for decision.

Section 45-6D-48 - Renewal of permit--Operation continued under original permit--Implementation of nonapproved modification ground for revocation or denial of permit.

Section 45-6D-49 - Renewal of permit--Grounds for denial of modifications.

Section 45-6D-50 - Renewal of permit--Grounds for denial.

Section 45-6D-51 - Violation--Notice to operator.

Section 45-6D-52 - Violation--Cease and desist order.

Section 45-6D-53 - Violation--Hearing.

Section 45-6D-54 - Violation--Modification, suspension, or revocation of permit.

Section 45-6D-55 - Violation--Action for temporary restraining order or injunction.

Section 45-6D-56 - Violation--Forfeiture of surety--Proceedings by attorney general.

Section 45-6D-57 - Violation--Forfeiture of surety--Reclamation of land by board.

Section 45-6D-58 - Fees deposited in environment and natural resources fee fund--Proceeds of forfeiture of surety deposited in special revenue fund.

Section 45-6D-59 - Operator currently in violation--Issuance of permit prohibited.

Section 45-6D-60 - Violation of permit--Civil penalty--Liability for damages to environment.

Section 45-6D-61 - Operation without permit--Civil penalty.

Section 45-6D-62 - Refusal of access or interference with inspection as violation.

Section 45-6D-63 - Jurisdiction and authority of board--Employment of personnel--Legal services provided by attorney general.

Section 45-6D-64 - Assistance provided by other departments and agencies.

Section 45-6D-65 - General powers of board.

Section 45-6D-66 - Specifications regarding application of chapter to new and prior operations.

Section 45-6D-67 - Confidentiality period of certain mineral exploration reports.