South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 09 - Mechanics' And Materialmen's Liens
Section 44-9-1 - Persons entitled to lien--Property affected--Extent of lien--Exceptions.

44-9-1. Persons entitled to lien--Property affected--Extent of lien--Exceptions.
Whoever shall, at the request of the owner or the duly authorized agent or representative of the owner, or of any contractor or subcontractor, furnish skill, labor, services, including light, power, or water, equipment, or materials for the improvement, development, or operation of property as hereinafter specified, shall have a first lien thereon and the appurtenances thereto, prior and superior to all other liens except those of the state or of the United States, and except existing liens, mortgages, or other encumbrances then of record or of which the lien claimant has actual notice, for the price or value of the same, so furnished, subject to the further provisions of this chapter, as follows:
(1)For the erection, alteration, repair, or removal of any building, fixture, bridge, fence, or other structure or for grading, filling in, or excavating the same, or for digging or repairing any ditch, drain, well, cistern, reservoir, or vault thereon or for laying, altering, or repairing any sidewalk, curb, gutter, paving, sewer, pipe, or conduit in or upon the same or in or upon the adjoining half of any highway, street, or alley upon which the property abuts, a lien upon the said improvement and the land on which it is situated, or to which it may be removed;
(2)For the construction, alteration, or repair of any line of railway or of any telegraph, telephone, electric light, or power line, or of any line of pipe, conduit, or subway or any structure, appliance, or fixture upon or appertaining to any of them, a lien upon the public utility so constructed, altered, or repaired and upon the line, plants, and property thereof and upon all the rights, franchises, and privileges of the owner appertaining thereto;
(3)Upon any mine or mining claim, oil or gas well or spring, a lien upon the same and any rights, privileges, franchises, easements, and tangible property and other property or appliances appurtenant thereto, for any of the items hereinbefore specified or referred to as giving right to a lien.

Source: SL 1879, ch 41, §8; CL 1887, §§2039, 2046; SL 1895, ch 134, §1; RPolC 1903, §§2573, 2580; SL 1903, ch 182; SL 1909, ch 49, §§1, 11; SL 1913, ch 263, §§1, 3; SL 1915, ch 243, §§1, 11; RC 1919, §§1631, 1642, 1643, 1645; SDC 1939, §39.0701.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 44 - Liens

Chapter 09 - Mechanics' And Materialmen's Liens

Section 44-9-1 - Persons entitled to lien--Property affected--Extent of lien--Exceptions.

Section 44-9-2 - Construction of improvements with knowledge of owner subjects land to lien--Exceptions.

Section 44-9-3 - Vendee authorized to improve land sold under executory contract--Forfeiture or surrender of contract after attachment of liens for improvements--Liability of vendor.

Section 44-9-4 - Improvement not authorized by owner of land--Notice of nonliability.

Section 44-9-5 - Homestead right--Lien does not affect exemption.

Section 44-9-6 - Contribution under contract with owner--Agreed price--Extent of lien.

Section 44-9-6.1 - Interest on amounts secured by liens.

Section 44-9-7 - Attachment and taking effect of lien--Preference over other encumbrances.

Section 44-9-8 - Attachment of lien--Protection of bona fide purchaser, mortgagee, or encumbrancer--Notice of lien for improvements thereafter made.

Section 44-9-9 - Concurrent liens upon mine or mining claim, oil or gas well or spring--Pro rata payment.

Section 44-9-10 - Materials or services furnished to contractor--Lien account and notice of claim furnished to owner--Withholding of payments from contractor to protect lien claimants.

Section 44-9-11 - Lien account and notice of claim--Service on owner of property--Copy furnished to contractor--Assent of contractor to claim--Payment by owner--Deduction from amount due contractor.

Section 44-9-12 - Amount due from contractor to creditor--Recovery from owner.

Section 44-9-13 - Misappropriation of funds by contractor, subcontractor, or supplier--Theft.

Section 44-9-14 - Demand of owner for lien accounts--Service on persons claiming liens--Owner defined.

Section 44-9-15 - Lien ceases without filing of required lien statement--Place of filing of statement.

Section 44-9-16 - Lien statement by lien claimant--Verification--Contents.

Section 44-9-17 - Lien statement by lien claimant--Mailing of copy to property owner condition precedent to filing--Post office receipt attached to statement.

Section 44-9-18 - Lien statement by lien claimant--Duties of register of deeds--Filing in numerical order--Contents of record--Entry upon mortgage or lien index.

Section 44-9-19 - Fees for the filing, indexing or assignment of liens.

Section 44-9-20 - Claims against two or more buildings or improvements--Exception for condominiums--General contract with owner--Election of lien claimant.

Section 44-9-21 - Manner of satisfying liens--Execution and delivery of satisfaction to owner of property--Contents--Acknowledgment--Record of satisfaction--Cancellation of lien.

Section 44-9-22 - Neglect of lien holder to satisfy lien on demand--Damages--Attorney fees--Additional penalty.

Section 44-9-23 - Enforcement of lien--Venue of action--Commencement and conduct of proceedings.

Section 44-9-24 - Six-year limitation to enforce lien--Cancellation of expired lien.

Section 44-9-25 - Parties to action to foreclose lien--Admission of lien holder not named as defendant--Joinder of plaintiffs.

Section 44-9-26 - Forfeiture of lien for failure to commence suit upon demand--Cancellation by register of deeds.

Section 44-9-27 - Action to enforce lien--Commencement--Issuance of summons--Filing of complaint.

Section 44-9-28 - Notice of pendency of action to enforce lien--Necessity for filing--Intervention of other lien claimants.

Section 44-9-29 - Enforcement of lien--Application to make all interested persons parties--Order of court, publication--Rights barred by failure to appear and assert claim.

Section 44-9-30 - Consolidations of actions for foreclosure of liens upon same property--Order of court--Rights of parties protected.

Section 44-9-31 - Pleadings in action to foreclose lien--Bill of particulars to be attached, verification--Further account may be required by court--Pleading stricken and claim disallowed for failure to file particulars.

Section 44-9-32 - Pleadings in action to foreclose lien--Denial of averments of answer.

Section 44-9-33 - Foreclosure of liens--Applicability of laws governing civil procedure--Exception.

Section 44-9-34 - Foreclosure of liens--Appointment of receiver on request of majority of lien holders, parties to action.

Section 44-9-35 - Foreclosure of liens involving public utility--Receivership created instead of directing sale of property.

Section 44-9-36 - Receiver appointed in foreclosure proceeding--Issuance of certificates for charges necessary to protect property as provided in judgment.

Section 44-9-37 - Compensation of receiver fixed by court.

Section 44-9-38 - General power of court to appoint receiver not abridged.

Section 44-9-40 - Judgment for lien holder--Amount demanded and proved--Costs fixed by court--Excluded from lien of other property.

Section 44-9-41 - Foreclosure of lien--Taxation of costs--Sum allowed for preparation and filing of lien statement and account.

Section 44-9-42 - Foreclosure of lien--Allowance of fees and expenses, attorneys, receivers, exception.

Section 44-9-43 - Payment of judgment by lien holder personally indebted for amount of lien--Subrogation to rights of person so paid.

Section 44-9-44 - Judgment of sale to satisfy all liens--Manner of sale--Rights of persons which are paramount to liens--Proceeds of sale, distribution by officer making sale.

Section 44-9-45 - Judgment of sale to satisfy all liens--Right of redemption--Leasehold having not more than two years to run--Interest of vendee under executory contract of sale.

Section 44-9-46 - Sale of improvements to satisfy all liens--Severance and removal from land.

Section 44-9-47 - Judgment and sale to satisfy all liens--Necessity for report to and confirmation by court.

Section 44-9-48 - Judgment and sale to satisfy all liens--Sale not confirmed by court--Resale--Receiver to handle property.

Section 44-9-49 - Failure to comply with chapter does not affect right of person to recover, in civil action, from party with whom he contracted.

Section 44-9-50 - Notice of project commencement--Time of filing--Fees--Register of deeds to maintain index.

Section 44-9-51 - Contractor's name and address and location notice to be posted--Contents of location notice.

Section 44-9-52 - Notice of project commencement does not affect title, liens allowable, or mortgage.

Section 44-9-53 - Notice of furnishing labor or materials required before lien extended--Notice recipients--Time for filing--Contents of notice--Exemption.