43-13-11. Destruction of servient tenement extinguishes servitude.
A servitude is extinguished by the destruction of the servient tenement.
Source: CivC 1877, §254, subdiv 2; CL 1887, §2770, subdiv 2; RCivC 1903, §277, subdiv 2; RC 1919, §347 (2); SDC 1939, §51.0609 (2).
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 13 - Easements And Servitudes
Section 43-13-1 - Granting and holding of servitudes not attached to land.
Section 43-13-2 - Easements--Definition--Classification.
Section 43-13-3 - Definition of terms--Dominant tenement--Servient tenement.
Section 43-13-4 - Creation of servitude--Vested estate in servient tenement necessary.
Section 43-13-5 - Extent of servitude--Determination.
Section 43-13-6 - Owner of servient tenement cannot hold servitude--Extinguishment of servitude.
Section 43-13-7 - Effect of partition of dominant tenement--Apportionment of burden--Limitation.
Section 43-13-8 - Use of easements by owner of future estate in dominant tenement.
Section 43-13-9 - Owner or occupant of dominant tenement--Right to enforce easement.
Section 43-13-11 - Destruction of servient tenement extinguishes servitude.
Section 43-13-13 - Servitude acquired by enjoyment extinguished by disuse for prescribed period.
Section 43-13-16 - Wind easement defined.
Section 43-13-16.1 - Solar easement defined.
Section 43-13-18 - Contents of wind or solar easement instruments.
Section 43-13-19 - Severance of wind or solar energy rights limited.
Section 43-13-20.1 - Extension of wind development period--Filing of affidavit.
Section 43-13-20.2 - Development of potential to produce energy from wind power or solar power.
Section 43-13-20.3 - Additional contents of wind or solar easement documents.
Section 43-13-20.4 - Waiting period for execution of wind or solar easement or lease.
Section 43-13-20.5 - Confidentiality agreements.
Section 43-13-21 - Small wind energy system defined.
Section 43-13-22 - Large wind energy system defined.
Section 43-13-23 - Small wind energy system set back requirement--Exception .
Section 43-13-24 - Large wind energy system set back requirement--Exception.