South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 23 - Cooperative Grazing Districts
Section 40-23-9 - Power to apportion grazing rights among members.

40-23-9. Power to apportion grazing rights among members.
Each association organized under this chapter shall have the power to apportion to members grazing rights within the cooperative grazing district on such terms, conditions, and limitations as may be specified by the directors thereof, or in accordance with the terms and limitations imposed for the purpose of conservation, restoration, and improvement of forage resources in the leasing of county, state, or federal land.

Source: SDC 1939, ยง40.1803 (4).

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 40 - Animals and Livestock

Chapter 23 - Cooperative Grazing Districts

Section 40-23-1 - Definition and purposes of grazing district.

Section 40-23-2 - Number of incorporators--Filing of articles.

Section 40-23-3 - Execution and contents of articles of incorporation.

Section 40-23-4 - Filing of map showing boundaries--Revision on change of boundaries--Revocation of lease for failure to file.

Section 40-23-5 - Arbitration of overlapping district boundaries.

Section 40-23-6 - Power to lease, acquire, and dispose of land.

Section 40-23-7 - Power to lease county land.

Section 40-23-8 - Fences, reservoirs, and facilities for care of livestock.

Section 40-23-9 - Power to apportion grazing rights among members.

Section 40-23-10 - Adoption of bylaws--Amendment.

Section 40-23-11 - Contents of bylaws.

Section 40-23-12 - Right to membership in district--Compliance with requirements.

Section 40-23-13 - Voting by members.

Section 40-23-14 - Membership rights on transfer of land.

Section 40-23-15 - Directors to exercise corporate power.

Section 40-23-16 - Directors' power to lease land.

Section 40-23-17 - Directors' regulations--Manner of utilizing grazing.

Section 40-23-18 - Directors' apportionment of grazing rights among members.

Section 40-23-19 - Fencing and assignment of exclusive use of areas.

Section 40-23-20 - Grazing permits to nonmembers.

Section 40-23-21 - Fees and assessments determined by directors.

Section 40-23-22 - Requirements as to male animals.

Section 40-23-23 - Reserves established by directors.

Section 40-23-24 - Purchase or lease of county lands.

Section 40-23-25 - Exemption of county land from usual leasing requirements--Leased tax deed lands not subject to sale--Option for purchase by district.

Section 40-23-26 - Regulatory powers retained by county commissioners on leased land.

Section 40-23-27 - Rentals for county lands--Variable scale.

Section 40-23-28 - Noncompliance with requirements as ground for forfeiture of county lease.

Section 40-23-29 - Exchange of county land for private land within grazing district.

Section 40-23-30 - Distribution of property on dissolution of grazing district.