40-14-1. Restrictions on importation from quarantine areas outside state.
The Animal Industry Board may restrict importation from quarantine areas established by it without this state during such time interval as may be necessary to prevent the importation of animals with contagious, infectious, epidemic, or communicable disease or infested with destructive parasites into the state.
Source: SDC 1939, §40.0301 as added by SL 1950 (SS), ch 7, §1; SL 1990, ch 325, §225.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 40 - Animals and Livestock
Chapter 14 - Importation Of Livestock
Section 40-14-1 - Restrictions on importation from quarantine areas outside state.
Section 40-14-3 - Notice and permit for importation of animals without certificate.
Section 40-14-5 - Continuing quarantine when imported animals found infected--Treatment.
Section 40-14-7 - Animals from Indian reservation treated as imported.
Section 40-14-8 - Saddle and work horses and mules exempt from requirements when in use.
Section 40-14-9 - Removal or release of animals shipped under false billing as misdemeanor.
Section 40-14-10 - Certification by veterinarian without inspection of animals as misdemeanor.