4-7-46. Maximum debt through South Dakota Building Authority and vocational education program of South Dakota Health and Educational Facilities Authority.
The total principal amount of debt outstanding through the South Dakota Building Authority and the vocational education program of the South Dakota Health and Educational Facilities Authority may not exceed one and two-tenths percent of South Dakota's gross domestic product for the most recently completed calendar year as calculated by the United States Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Source: SL 2015, ch 6, §4; SL 2015, ch 40, §1.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 4 - Public Fiscal Administration
Chapter 07 - Preparation And Adoption Of State Budget
Section 4-7-1.1 - Definitions.
Section 4-7-2 - Bureau within Department of Executive Management--Purpose.
Section 4-7-3 - General budgetary powers of Governor.
Section 4-7-4 - Qualifications of commissioner--Salary.
Section 4-7-6 - Assistance to bureau by other state officers.
Section 4-7-7.1 - Plan of goals and activities submitted with budget request.
Section 4-7-7.2 - Informational budgets required.
Section 4-7-7.3 - Annual budget statements required by Governor.
Section 4-7-8 - Governor's review and investigation of budget estimates.
Section 4-7-9 - Preparation and submission of budget report to Legislature.
Section 4-7-10 - Contents of annual budget report.
Section 4-7-10.1 - Salaries of specified officials included in budget.
Section 4-7-10.2 - Repeal of statutes establishing salaries of appointed officials.
Section 4-7-10.5 - Repeal of statutory allowances for boards, councils, and advisory bodies.
Section 4-7-13 - Legislative adoption of financial plan for each year.
Section 4-7-13.1 - Full-time equivalent appropriations separated in financial plan.
Section 4-7-16 - Analysis of proposed legislation by bureau.
Section 4-7-17 - Assistance to Legislature provided by bureau.
Section 4-7-18 - Coordination of procedures to carry out legislative policies.
Section 4-7-19 - Long-term capital improvements budget.
Section 4-7-20 - Operational improvements and economies--Automatic data processing systems.
Section 4-7-25 - Other duties of bureau.
Section 4-7-25.1 - Budgetary accounting service agency--Administration--Purpose.
Section 4-7-25.2 - Budgetary accounting fund.
Section 4-7-25.3 - Budgetary accounting service agency--Financing.
Section 4-7-25.4 - Fees for budgetary accounting services.
Section 4-7-26 - Rules and regulations.
Section 4-7-27 - Short title of chapter.
Section 4-7-29 - Exemption of Board of Regents from salary approval requirement.
Section 4-7-31 - Budget reserve fund established.
Section 4-7-39 - Transfer of unobligated cash to general revenue replacement fund.
Section 4-7-40 - Condition statements--Requests by legislative committee or chair.
Section 4-7-41 - Condition statement defined--Condition statement forms.
Section 4-7-45 - General revenue replacement fund established.
Section 4-7-48 - Plan outlining current debt policies, financial analysis, and metrics.
Section 4-7-49 - Long-term financial plan.
Section 4-7-50 - Capital expenditure plan.
Section 4-7-51 - Publication of financial plans.
Section 4-7-52 - Submission of zero based budget on request of Joint Committee on Appropriations.