36-9-57. Reissuance of revoked or suspended license.
Any revoked or suspended license may be reissued at the discretion of the board upon a finding of good cause.
Source: SL 1955, ch 91, §9; SDC Supp 1960, §27.0909 (2); SL 1967, ch 101, §9 (2); SL 1979, ch 255, §51; SL 1986, ch 307, §33; SL 2016, ch 194, §36.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 36 - Professions and Occupations
Chapter 09 - Registered And Practical Nurses
Section 36-9-1.1 - Legislative findings, policy and intent.
Section 36-9-2 - Evidence of qualification and license required to practice nursing.
Section 36-9-3 - Practice of registered nurse.
Section 36-9-3.1 - Practice of certified registered nurse anesthetist--Promulgation of rules.
Section 36-9-4 - Practice of licensed practical nurse.
Section 36-9-4.1 - Additional functions after special training of licensed practical nurse.
Section 36-9-5 - Appointment and composition of board.
Section 36-9-6 - Citizenship and residence requirements of board members.
Section 36-9-7 - Qualifications of registered nurse members of board.
Section 36-9-8 - Qualifications of licensed practical nurse members of board.
Section 36-9-8.1 - Qualifications of public members of board.
Section 36-9-9 - Terms of office of board members--Appointment.
Section 36-9-11 - Removal of board members.
Section 36-9-11.1 - Board continued within Department of Health--Records and reports.
Section 36-9-12 - Employment of executive director--Qualifications.
Section 36-9-14 - Duties and compensation of executive director.
Section 36-9-15 - Delegation of activities to executive director.
Section 36-9-16 - Employment of other persons by board.
Section 36-9-17 - Meetings of board--Election of officers.
Section 36-9-18 - Quorum of board.
Section 36-9-21 - Promulgation of rules.
Section 36-9-24 - Deposit and withdrawal of money received.
Section 36-9-25 - Balance of fees held by board--Use of fees.
Section 36-9-28 - Practices not prohibited by chapter.
Section 36-9-29 - Board to examine, license, and renew licenses.
Section 36-9-30 - Proof of education required--Registered nurse.
Section 36-9-30.1 - Qualifications of registered nurse anesthetist.
Section 36-9-31 - Examination required for registered nursing license--Issuance of license.
Section 36-9-31.2 - Temporary anesthetist permit pending examination results.
Section 36-9-32 - Licensing of registered nurse from another state or country.
Section 36-9-32.1 - Temporary permit for applicant holding license from another state.
Section 36-9-32.2 - Temporary anesthetist permit issued to applicant from another state.
Section 36-9-35 - Fees required of registered nurses.
Section 36-9-36 - Title used by licensed registered nurse or certified registered nurse anesthetist.
Section 36-9-37 - Proof of education required--Licensed practical nurse.
Section 36-9-38 - Examination required for licensed practical nursing license--Issuance of license.
Section 36-9-39 - Licensing of licensed practical or vocational nurse from another state or country.
Section 36-9-39.1 - Temporary permit for licensed practical nurse from out of state.
Section 36-9-43 - Fees required of licensed practical nurses.
Section 36-9-44 - Title used by licensed practical nurse.
Section 36-9-46 - Application for inactive status--Fee.
Section 36-9-47 - Reinstatement of lapsed license.
Section 36-9-47.1 - Evidence of completion of reentry requirements.
Section 36-9-49 - Grounds for denial, revocation, or suspension of license or application.
Section 36-9-51.1 - Hearing required for license revocation, suspension, or reissuance.
Section 36-9-51.2 - Revocation or suspension proceedings to conform to administrative procedure.
Section 36-9-51.3 - Majority of board required to suspend, revoke, or reissue license.
Section 36-9-51.4 - Appeal by aggrieved party from board actions.
Section 36-9-57 - Reissuance of revoked or suspended license.
Section 36-9-58 - Approval by board of curricula and educational standards.
Section 36-9-58.2 - Application by institution to provide educational program.
Section 36-9-58.3 - Survey of educational program of applicant institution--Interim approval.
Section 36-9-58.4 - Denial of approval of educational program.
Section 36-9-64 - Survey of approved programs in state--Report to board.
Section 36-9-64.1 - Fee and expenses for survey of educational institution.
Section 36-9-66 - Notice to institution of failure to maintain educational standards.
Section 36-9-67 - Withdrawal of board approval on failure to correct deficiencies.
Section 36-9-67.1 - Educational programs conducted or sponsored by board.
Section 36-9-68 - Prohibited acts--Misdemeanor.
Section 36-9-69 - Single act as proof of violation.
Section 36-9-70 - Board to prosecute violations.
Section 36-9-71 - Unlicensed practice of nursing as public nuisance.
Section 36-9-72 - Injunction to prevent unlawful practice--Election of remedies.
Section 36-9-76 - Nurses' education assistance scholarship.
Section 36-9-77 - Funding for education assistance scholarship program.
Section 36-9-78 - Qualification criteria for education assistance scholarship.
Section 36-9-79 - Number and distribution of scholarships from education assistance program.
Section 36-9-80 - Restrictions on distributions from education assistance program.
Section 36-9-84 - Definition of durable medical equipment or therapeutic device.
Section 36-9-85 - Evidence of qualifications required for license as clinical nurse specialist.
Section 36-9-86 - Requirements for license as clinical nurse specialist.
Section 36-9-87 - Practice of a licensed clinical nurse specialist.
Section 36-9-88 - Title used by clinical nurse specialist.
Section 36-9-89 - Temporary permit for clinical nurse specialist awaiting exam results.
Section 36-9-91 - Fees required of clinical nurse specialists.
Section 36-9-93 - Head of nurse licensing board defined.
Section 36-9-94 - Practice privileges--Power of board to limit or revoke.
Section 36-9-95 - Nursing workforce center established--Funding.
Section 36-9-96 - Powers of nursing workforce center.
Section 36-9-98 - Nurse Licensure Compact.
Section 36-9-99 - General funds not to be used to support compact.