South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 08A - Regulation Of Beer Industry Business Relationships
Section 35-8A-9 - Injunctive relief for violation of distribution agreement--Costs and attorney fees--Jurisdiction--Arbitration upon agreement by all parties.

35-8A-9. Injunctive relief for violation of distribution agreement--Costs and attorney fees--Jurisdiction--Arbitration upon agreement by all parties.
Any party to a distribution agreement aggrieved by a violation of any provision of this chapter may seek injunctive relief enjoining the violation and recovery of damages caused by the violation. The prevailing party to any action charging a violation of this chapter is entitled to recover costs of suit and reasonable attorney's fees. Relief shall be sought in a civil action brought in the circuit court for the county in which the wholesaler's principal place of business is located, or in a federal court of competent jurisdiction located in South Dakota.
After a dispute arises, arbitration shall proceed only if all parties agree, at that time, to submit the dispute to arbitration and that the decision of the arbitrators shall be final and binding. The dispute shall be submitted to a panel of three arbitrators. One arbitrator shall be selected by the supplier within thirty days after the parties have agreed to arbitrate. One arbitrator shall be selected by the wholesaler within thirty days after the parties have agreed to arbitrate. The third arbitrator shall be selected from a list of five candidates supplied by the American Arbitration Association at the request of the parties and made within ten days after the parties have agreed to submit the dispute to arbitration. Within ten days after receipt of the list, the wholesaler and the supplier may disqualify up to two candidates from the list. The American Arbitration Association shall select the third arbitrator from the candidates not disqualified by the parties. The arbitration shall proceed in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association within thirty days after the selection of the arbitration panel has been completed. The cost of the arbitration shall be borne equally by the parties. The award of a majority of the arbitrators shall be final and binding on the parties.

Source: SL 1990, ch 300, §9; SL 1999, ch 187, §2.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 35 - Alcoholic Beverages

Chapter 08A - Regulation Of Beer Industry Business Relationships

Section 35-8A-1 - Legislative authority and purpose.

Section 35-8A-2 - Definitions of terms.

Section 35-8A-3 - Distribution contracts--Application of this chapter.

Section 35-8A-4 - Prohibited actions by supplier.

Section 35-8A-5 - Good cause for termination, cancellation, nonrenewal, discontinuance, or modification.

Section 35-8A-6 - Conditions for terminating, failing to renew, or refusing to continue under an agreement by supplier--Notice to wholesaler.

Section 35-8A-7 - When compensation required from brewer--Reasonable value--Arbitration.

Section 35-8A-8 - Brewery may assume wholesaler's business--Time limitation--Brewer as limited partner with wholesaler.

Section 35-8A-9 - Injunctive relief for violation of distribution agreement--Costs and attorney fees--Jurisdiction--Arbitration upon agreement by all parties.

Section 35-8A-10 - Transfer of wholesaler's business--Approval required--Exception for death--Unreasonable delay.

Section 35-8A-11 - Distribution agreement binding upon successor.

Section 35-8A-12 - Waiver of rights void--Mutually binding agreements or voluntary dispute settlements not prohibited.

Section 35-8A-13 - Unreasonable amendment prohibited.

Section 35-8A-14 - Exclusive sales territories--Designated wholesaler.

Section 35-8A-15 - Application of chapter.

Section 35-8A-16 - Brand defined.

Section 35-8A-17 - Brand extension defined.

Section 35-8A-18 - Brand extension to be assigned wholesaler granted exclusive sales territory for preexisting brand--Exemption.

Section 35-8A-19 - Future brand extensions to be assigned wholesaler who first had brand.

Section 35-8A-20 - Application of certain amended and enacted sections.