South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 10 - Enforcement Powers And Procedures
Section 35-10-9 - Notice of convictions mailed to local and state licensing authorities.

35-10-9. Notice of convictions mailed to local and state licensing authorities.
If any licensed dealer in alcoholic beverages or the dealer's agent or employee is convicted of:
(1)A violation of any provision of this title, or any law or ordinance regulating the sale of alcoholic beverages; or
(2)Any violation of law or ordinance in the operation of the licensed premises,
the court or magistrate shall, within ten days after the conviction, mail a written notice of conviction to the finance officer of the municipality or the county auditor of the county having jurisdiction to approve alcoholic beverage licenses for the premises. A copy of the notice shall also be mailed to the department.

Source: SL 1961, ch 18; SL 1974, ch 55, §36; SL 2003, ch 272 (Ex. Ord. 03-1), §82; SL 2008, ch 37, §194; SL 2011, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 11-1), §161, eff. Apr. 12, 2011; SL 2018, ch 213, §131.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 35 - Alcoholic Beverages

Chapter 10 - Enforcement Powers And Procedures

Section 35-10-1 - Promulgation of rules.

Section 35-10-4 - Subpoena and administration of oaths by secretary.

Section 35-10-8 - Enforcement and collection of cost penalties assessed for violations.

Section 35-10-9 - Notice of convictions mailed to local and state licensing authorities.

Section 35-10-11 - Beverages unlawfully used or possessed as contraband--Conviction as confiscation--Return to owner on dismissal.

Section 35-10-12 - Application by officer for judicial determination as to beverages--Notice of time and place of hearing.

Section 35-10-13 - Determination as to status of beverages seized--Order for return to owner or confiscation.

Section 35-10-14 - Report of beverages confiscated--Destruction of unsalable beverages.

Section 35-10-15 - Custody and storage of salable confiscated beverages.

Section 35-10-16 - Sale by secretary of confiscated beverages--Disposition of proceeds.

Section 35-10-17 - Place used for violation of beverage laws as common nuisance--Maintenance as misdemeanor.

Section 35-10-18 - Lien against place of violation for fines and costs assessed--Enforcement of lien.

Section 35-10-19 - Action to enjoin nuisance--Bond not required.

Section 35-10-20 - Action secured against premises--Parties defendant.

Section 35-10-21 - Temporary injunction in action to enjoin nuisance.

Section 35-10-22 - Order prohibiting manufacture, sale or storage of beverages and occupancy of place of violation.

Section 35-10-23 - Bond to secure occupancy of place of violation--Conditions.

Section 35-10-25 - Summary punishment for contempt--Affidavits as prima facie case.

Section 35-10-26 - Pleadings and evidence in contempt actions.

Section 35-10-27 - Proceedings governed by general law of contempt.