South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 22 - Contagious Disease Control
Section 34-22-12.5 - Sharing of immunization records permitted unless signed refusal in medical record--Violation as a misdemeanor.

34-22-12.5. Sharing of immunization records permitted unless signed refusal in medical record--Violation as a misdemeanor.
A patient's immunization record shall be shared among health care providers, health care facilities, federal or state health agencies, child welfare agencies, schools, or family day care facilities, without the consent of the patient or the person acting on the patient's behalf unless the patient's signed refusal to release immunization information is part of the patient's medical record. The provider shall provide notice in any written form to the patient, or if the patient is a minor, the patient's parent or guardian of the patient's ability to refuse to permit immunization information to be shared. If the patient is a minor, the refusal to release immunization information may be signed by the patient's parent or guardian on behalf of the minor patient. Any person who receives immunization data pursuant to this section and knowingly or intentionally discloses or fails to protect the confidentiality of the data is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Source: SL 1996, ch 214; SL 2015, ch 182, §1.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 34 - Public Health and Safety

Chapter 22 - Contagious Disease Control

Section 34-22-1 - Definitions.

Section 34-22-1.1 - State system of quarantine--Inspection and isolation of conveyances of common carriers.

Section 34-22-5 - Exposure of self or others to communicable disease as misdemeanor.

Section 34-22-6 - Compelling vaccination as misdemeanor.

Section 34-22-9 - State-wide system for prevention, control, and treatment of communicable disease--Promulgation of rules.

Section 34-22-10 - Laboratory and radiological services provided by department.

Section 34-22-11 - Screening and testing for communicable disease.

Section 34-22-11.1 - Approved medically accepted procedures required for performance of specific health services.

Section 34-22-11.2 - Specific health services.

Section 34-22-12 - Mandatory communicable disease reports from physicians, laboratories, and institutions--State tuberculosis register--Surveillance and control--Adoption of rules.

Section 34-22-12.1 - Confidentiality of reports--Exceptions.

Section 34-22-12.2 - Violation of confidentiality as misdemeanor.

Section 34-22-12.3 - Effect of good faith reporting.

Section 34-22-12.4 - Compliance with reporting requirements--Liability.

Section 34-22-12.5 - Sharing of immunization records permitted unless signed refusal in medical record--Violation as a misdemeanor.

Section 34-22-13 - Consultation with physicians and institutions.

Section 34-22-14 - Enforcement of regulations for control of communicable diseases.

Section 34-22-17 - Communicable disease control supervised by department--Program applied statewide.

Section 34-22-18 - Refusal to accept diagnosis or treatment or to follow directives as misdemeanor.

Section 34-22-18.1 - Action for injunction to enforce department directive or order--Confidential information.

Section 34-22-23 - Inspection of records of hospital or laboratory by secretary.

Section 34-22-25 - Health officer or physician to report information on person with dangerous communicable disease.

Section 34-22-41 - "Public health emergency" defined.

Section 34-22-42 - Secretary may declare public health emergency--Contents of order.

Section 34-22-43 - Department primarily responsible for public health emergency response--Scope of authority--Promulgation of rules.

Section 34-22-44 - Termination of declared emergency--Renewal.

Section 34-22-44.1 - Definition of statewide emergency registry volunteer.

Section 34-22-44.2 - Statewide emergency registry volunteers--Immunity from civil liability.

Section 34-22-45 - (Section effective on the date federal funding received for administering vaccinations for first responders.) Voluntary vaccination program for first responders--Exposure to infectious diseases at disaster locations.