South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 20G - Medical Cannabis
Section 34-20G-72 - Promulgation of rules--Violation of required or prohibited action as misdemeanor.

34-20G-72. Promulgation of rules--Violation of required or prohibited action as misdemeanor.
The department shall promulgate rules pursuant to chapter 1-26:
(1)Governing the manner in which the department shall consider petitions from the public to add a debilitating medical condition or treatment to the list of debilitating medical conditions as defined by this chapter, including public notice of and an opportunity to comment in public hearings on the petitions;
(2)Establishing the form and content of registration and renewal applications submitted under this chapter;
(3)Establishing a system to numerically score competing medical cannabis establishment applicants, in cases where more applicants apply than are allowed by the local government, that includes analysis of:
(a)The preference of the local government;
(b)In the case of dispensaries, the suitability of the proposed location and its accessibility for patients;
(c)The character, veracity, background, qualifications, and relevant experience of principal officers and board members; and
(d)The business plan proposed by the applicant, that in the case of a cultivation facility or dispensary shall include the ability to maintain an adequate supply of cannabis, plans to ensure safety and security of patrons and the community, procedures to be used to prevent diversion, and any plan for making cannabis available to low-income registered qualifying patients;
(4)Governing the manner in which the department shall consider applications for and renewals of registry identification cards, that may include creating a standardized written certification form;
(5)Governing medical cannabis establishments to ensure the health and safety of qualifying patients and prevent diversion and theft without imposing an undue burden or compromising the confidentiality of a cardholder, including:
(a)Oversight requirements;
(b)Record-keeping requirements;
(c)Security requirements, including lighting, physical security, and alarm requirements;
(d)Health and safety regulations, including restrictions on the use of pesticides that are injurious to human health;
(e)Standards for the manufacture of cannabis products and both the indoor and outdoor cultivation of cannabis by a cultivation facility;
(f)Requirements for the transportation and storage of cannabis by a medical cannabis establishment;
(g)Employment and training requirements, including requiring that each medical cannabis establishment create an identification badge for each agent;
(h)Standards for the safe manufacture of cannabis products, including extracts and concentrates;
(i)Restrictions on the advertising, signage, and display of medical cannabis, provided that the restrictions may not prevent appropriate signs on the property of a dispensary, listings in business directories including phone books, listings in marijuana-related or medical publications, or the sponsorship of health or not-for-profit charity or advocacy events;
(j)Requirements and procedures for the safe and accurate packaging, labeling, distribution, and tracking of medical cannabis;
(k)Certification standards for testing facilities, including requirements for equipment and qualifications for personnel; and
(l)Requirements for samples of cannabis and cannabis products submitted to testing facilities, including batch sizes to not exceed fifty pounds of cannabis intended for retail sale, batch sizes for homogenous cannabis products intended for retail sale, and procedures to ensure representative sampling;
(6)Establishing procedures for suspending or terminating the registration certificates or registry identification cards of cardholders and medical cannabis establishments that commit multiple or serious violations of this chapter;
(7)Establishing labeling requirements for cannabis and cannabis products, including requiring cannabis product labels to include the following:
(a)The length of time it typically takes for a product to take effect;
(b)Disclosing ingredients and possible allergens;
(c)A nutritional fact panel; and
(d)Requiring that edible cannabis products be clearly identifiable, when practicable, with a standard symbol indicating that it contains cannabis;
(8)Establishing procedures for the registration of nonresident cardholders and the cardholder's designation of no more than two dispensaries, which shall require the submission of:
(a)A practitioner's statement confirming that the patient has a debilitating medical condition; and
(b)Documentation demonstrating that the nonresident cardholder is allowed to possess cannabis or cannabis preparations in the jurisdiction where the nonresident cardholder resides;
(9)Establishing the amount of cannabis products, including the amount of concentrated cannabis, each cardholder and nonresident cardholder may possess; and
(10)Establishing reasonable application and renewal fees for registry identification cards and registration certificates, according to the following:
(a)Application fees for medical cannabis establishments may not exceed five thousand dollars, with this upper limit adjusted annually for inflation;
(b)The total fees collected shall generate revenues sufficient to offset all expenses of implementing and administering this chapter;
(c)A sliding scale of patient application and renewal fees based upon a qualifying patient's household income;
(d)The fees charged to qualifying patients, nonresident cardholders, and caregivers shall be no greater than the costs of processing the application and issuing a registry identification card or registration; and
(e)The department may accept donations from private sources to reduce application and renewal fees.
A violation of a required or prohibited action under any rule authorized by this section is a Class 2 misdemeanor.

Source: Initiated Measure No. 26, approved Nov. 3, 2020, eff. Jul. 1, 2021; SL 2022, ch 131, §2; SL 2022, ch 133, §1.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 34 - Public Health and Safety

Chapter 20G - Medical Cannabis

Section 34-20G-1 - Definitions.

Section 34-20G-2 - Cardholders not subject to arrest, prosecution, penalty, or discipline for certain conduct.

Section 34-20G-3 - Nonresident cardholders not subject to arrest, prosecution, penalty, or discipline for certain conduct.

Section 34-20G-4 - Presumption that qualifying patient or designated caregiver is engaged in the medical use of cannabis--Presumption rebuttable.

Section 34-20G-5 - Practitioners not subject to arrest, prosecution, penalty, or discipline for certain conduct.

Section 34-20G-6 - Licensed professionals not subject to discipline for certain conduct.

Section 34-20G-7 - Persons not subject to arrest, prosecution, penalty, or discipline for certain conduct.

Section 34-20G-8 - Dispensaries and agents not subject to prosecution, search, seizure, penalty, or discipline for certain conduct.

Section 34-20G-9 - Cultivation facilities and agents not subject to prosecution, search, seizure, penalty, or discipline for certain conduct.

Section 34-20G-10 - Cannabis product manufacturing facilities and agents not subject to prosecution, search, seizure, penalty, or discipline for certain conduct.

Section 34-20G-11 - Testing facilities and agents not subject to prosecution, search, seizure, penalty, or discipline for certain conduct.

Section 34-20G-12 - Sale or donation of cannabis seeds to cultivation facility.

Section 34-20G-13 - Seizure or forfeiture of cannabis or related property.

Section 34-20G-14 - Possession of or application for registry identification card not grounds for search.

Section 34-20G-15 - Activity conducted in accordance with chapter lawful.

Section 34-20G-16 - Enforcement of federal law by state law enforcement officers.

Section 34-20G-17 - Contracts enforceable.

Section 34-20G-18 - Unauthorized conduct.

Section 34-20G-19 - Schools and landlords--Prohibited conduct.

Section 34-20G-20 - Qualifying patient not disqualified from medical care for cannabis use.

Section 34-20G-21 - Custody and visitation rights--Child neglect or endangerment.

Section 34-20G-22 - Employment and drug testing.

Section 34-20G-23 - Conflict with employer's obligations or benefits under federal law.

Section 34-20G-24 - Ingestion of cannabis at workplace--Working under the influence of cannabis.

Section 34-20G-25 - Schools, landlords, and employers not to be penalized.

Section 34-20G-25.1 - Healthcare and accredited prevention or treatment facilities.

Section 34-20G-26 - Petition to add serious medical condition or treatment to list of debilitating medical conditions--Department consideration--Judicial review.

Section 34-20G-27 - Cost reimbursement, permission to smoke or vape cannabis on property, permission to cultivate on rental property, permission to allow conduct related to medical cannabis in public buildings not required.

Section 34-20G-28 - Discipline for ingestion of cannabis at workplace and working under the influence of cannabis permitted.

Section 34-20G-29 - Information required for issuance of registry identification cards--Fee.

Section 34-20G-30 - Submission of information by person responsible for medical decisions for qualifying patient.

Section 34-20G-31 - Department verification of information--Issuance of registry identification card--Verification system.

Section 34-20G-32 - Background check of designated caregiver.

Section 34-20G-33 - Issuance of registry identification card to patient under age 18--Conditions.

Section 34-20G-34 - Grounds for denial or nonrenewal of qualifying patient registry identification card.

Section 34-20G-35 - Grounds for denial of application or nonrenewal of designated caregiver.

Section 34-20G-36 - Notice--Denial or revocation.

Section 34-20G-37 - Judicial review of application denial or nonrenewal.

Section 34-20G-39 - Temporary designated caregiver registry identification card.

Section 34-20G-42 - Contents of registry identification cards.

Section 34-20G-43 - Expiration of registry identification card.

Section 34-20G-44 - Confidential list--Personal information.

Section 34-20G-45 - Secure phone or web-based verification system.

Section 34-20G-46 - Required notifications to department.

Section 34-20G-47 - Notifications by designated caregiver.

Section 34-20G-48 - Issuance of new registry identification card following required notification to department.

Section 34-20G-49 - Card void upon notice to department that patient no longer qualifies--Disposal of cannabis.

Section 34-20G-50 - Theft or loss of cannabis--Notice to department.

Section 34-20G-51 - Medical purpose defense.

Section 34-20G-52 - Proof of unavailability of defense to prosecution.

Section 34-20G-53 - Registry identification card not required to raise defense.

Section 34-20G-54 - Person using cannabis for medical purpose not subject to discipline or forfeiture.

Section 34-20G-55 - Application for medical cannabis establishment--Contents and conditions--Time for registration.

Section 34-20G-56 - Local government limitation on number of medical cannabis establishments.

Section 34-20G-57 - Renewal of medical cannabis establishment registration.

Section 34-20G-58 - Local government ordinances governing medical cannabis establishments.

Section 34-20G-58.1 - Municipal zoning--Medical cannabis establishments.

Section 34-20G-59 - Local government prohibition of dispensaries not permitted.

Section 34-20G-60 - Local licensing of medical cannabis establishments--Fee.

Section 34-20G-61 - Criminal background check of medical cannabis establishment officers, employees, and volunteers.

Section 34-20G-62 - Employment restrictions on medical cannabis establishments.

Section 34-20G-63 - Medical cannabis establishment procedures for oversight and record keeping.

Section 34-20G-64 - Medical cannabis establishment security measures.

Section 34-20G-65 - Cultivation, harvesting, manufacturing, and packaging of cannabis.

Section 34-20G-65.1 - Test samples of cannabis or cannabis products--Collection--Packaging--Timing.

Section 34-20G-66 - Production of cannabis products.

Section 34-20G-67 - Sharing office space and patient referrals to practitioners prohibited.

Section 34-20G-68 - Consumption of cannabis on medical cannabis establishment property prohibited.

Section 34-20G-69 - Inspection of medical cannabis establishments.

Section 34-20G-70 - Conditions for dispensing cannabis.

Section 34-20G-71 - Limitations on amount of cannabis dispensed.

Section 34-20G-72 - Promulgation of rules--Violation of required or prohibited action as misdemeanor.

Section 34-20G-73 - Civil penalty for failure to provide required notice.

Section 34-20G-74 - Intentional cannabis sale or transfer to unauthorized person by medical cannabis establishment or agent as felony--Disqualification.

Section 34-20G-75 - Intentional cannabis sale or transfer by cardholder to unauthorized person as felony.

Section 34-20G-76 - False statement to law enforcement official about medical use of cannabis as misdemeanor.

Section 34-20G-77 - Knowing submission of false records or documents to certify medical cannabis establishment as felony.

Section 34-20G-78 - Certain conduct of practitioner as misdemeanor.

Section 34-20G-79 - Breach of confidentiality of information as misdemeanor.

Section 34-20G-80 - Suspension or revocation of medical cannabis establishment registration certificate.

Section 34-20G-81 - Notice of suspension, revocation, or sanction--Notice of hearing--Duration of suspension.

Section 34-20G-82 - Permitted and prohibited conduct during suspension.

Section 34-20G-83 - Revocation of registry identification card for cannabis sale to unauthorized person--Disqualification.

Section 34-20G-84 - Revocation of registry identification card for multiple or serious violations.

Section 34-20G-85 - Judicial review of revocation.

Section 34-20G-86 - Confidential data.

Section 34-20G-87 - Restrictions on data maintained by department.

Section 34-20G-88 - Permitted disclosure of data maintained by the department.

Section 34-20G-89 - Restrictions on data maintained by medical cannabis establishments.

Section 34-20G-90 - Cardholder's request for department to confirm cardholder status to others.

Section 34-20G-91 - Destruction of unused media containing cardholder information.

Section 34-20G-92 - Oversight committee membership.

Section 34-20G-93 - Oversight committee duties.

Section 34-20G-94 - Annual report to the Legislature--Information excluded.

Section 34-20G-95 - Administration of medical cannabis to students.