South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 01 - State Department Of Health
Section 34-1-20 - Right to choose own physician unimpaired by public health programs--Insurance for public employees--Misdemeanor.

34-1-20. Right to choose own physician unimpaired by public health programs--Insurance for public employees--Misdemeanor.
Hereafter all funds appropriated by the State of South Dakota or otherwise established by the state, or from any other source whatever as a public fund, to be distributed or allotted for any public health program, financed in whole or in part by such public funds or administered or supervised by any public agency controlled by the state or any county, municipality, school district, or other political subdivision, or any corporation or association organized under the laws of the state for the administration of such funds, shall when administered or distributed in payment of services rendered by physicians or licensed chiropractors or optometrists under the provisions of such public health program be so administered or distributed that there shall be no restrictions in the right of any client, officer, employee, or citizen to select any regularly licensed physician, chiropractor, or optometrist of his choice for the performance of services under such program, provided that this section shall in no way affect the provisions of §34-1-21, relating to the powers and duties of the Department of Health relating to the services for crippled children. This section applies to the purchase of any insurance and any contracts entered into after the effective date of this section with health maintenance organizations, preferred provider organizations and individual practice associations by the State of South Dakota, counties, school districts, and municipalities for health care programs or insurance for public officials or employees. Any violation of this section is a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Source: SL 1939, ch 106, §§1, 2; SDC Supp 1960, §§27.0116, 27.9942; SL 1977, ch 190, §5; SL 1988, ch 273.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 34 - Public Health and Safety

Chapter 01 - State Department Of Health

Section 34-1-1.1 - Department reorganized and continued.

Section 34-1-2.2 - Public Health Advisory Committee abolished--Performance of functions.

Section 34-1-7.1 - State health officer's position abolished--Performance of functions.

Section 34-1-9 - Divisions and personnel.

Section 34-1-14 - Advice and supervision by department.

Section 34-1-16 - Rules and regulations of Department of Health--Advice to state officials.

Section 34-1-16.1 - Fee schedule for inspections and licenses--Disposition of fees.

Section 34-1-17 - Orders, rules, and licensing for protection of public health--Matters covered.

Section 34-1-20 - Right to choose own physician unimpaired by public health programs--Insurance for public employees--Misdemeanor.

Section 34-1-21 - Participation in and administration of federal health programs under Social Security Act--Discrimination among schools of medicine prohibited.

Section 34-1-22 - Health special services fund authorized--Moneys credited to fund.

Section 34-1-23 - Appropriations and disbursements from health special services fund--Other appropriations unrestricted.

Section 34-1-24 - Powers of secretary of agriculture and natural resources unimpaired.

Section 34-1-25 - Rules and regulations of Department of Health.

Section 34-1-26 - Appeals from Department of Health.

Section 34-1-27 - Violation of regulation or direction as misdemeanor.

Section 34-1-28 - Judicial enforcement of process, orders, and regulations of Department of Health.