33A-5-13. Minimum principal balance of fund.
Donations to the South Dakota State Veterans Cemetery endowment fund shall be deposited into the fund to reach a minimum principal balance of three million dollars ($3,000,000) by July 1, 2023. Notwithstanding the minimum principal balance under this section, expenditures may be made prior to July 1, 2023. If the minimum principal balance is reached prior to July 1, 2023, no expenditures may reduce the principal balance below three million dollars ($3,000,000).
Source: SL 2018, ch 201, ยง3, eff. Mar. 23, 2018.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 05 - Burial of Veterans
Section 33A-5-1 - Authority of county veterans' service officer or field officer.
Section 33A-5-5 - Procedure for payment of expenses.
Section 33A-5-6 - Appropriation for expenses.
Section 33A-5-7 - County appropriations to purchase burial plots--Conditions.
Section 33A-5-8 - County purchase of burial plots--Perpetual care--Title to plots.
Section 33A-5-9 - Conditions for county payment of burial expense.
Section 33A-5-10 - Retention of federal memorial pending payment for funeral or burial prohibited.
Section 33A-5-11 - State veterans cemetery operating fund--Fee for burial--Promulgation of rules.
Section 33A-5-12 - State veterans cemetery endowment fund.
Section 33A-5-13 - Minimum principal balance of fund.
Section 33A-5-14 - Annual report of veterans council.
Section 33A-5-15 - Donation of land for state cemetery