33-3-13. General efficiency of National Guard--Duty of adjutant general.
The adjutant general, by direction of the Governor, may cause members of the National Guard to perform any lawful military duty. The adjutant general is responsible to the Governor for the general efficiency of the National Guard and for the drill, instruction, inspection, small arms and artillery practice, movements, operations, and care of the troops.
Source: SL 1913, ch 267, §35; SL 1917, ch 297, §9; RC 1919, §10558; SDC 1939, §41.0112; SL 1967, ch 171, §1; SL 2007, ch 187, §29.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 03 - Organization And Training Of National Guard
Section 33-3-2 - Personnel comprising National Guard.
Section 33-3-5 - Recognition of units by Department of Defense.
Section 33-3-6 - Emergency mustering of National Guard.
Section 33-3-7 - Recruiting additional authorized units.
Section 33-3-8 - Location of units--Disbanding or reducing size of units.
Section 33-3-9 - Organization, equipment, and discipline of National Guard--Federal requirements.
Section 33-3-10 - Discipline and training.
Section 33-3-11 - Orders issued by governor--Federal requirements.
Section 33-3-12 - Applicability of federal regulations.
Section 33-3-13 - General efficiency of National Guard--Duty of adjutant general.
Section 33-3-14 - Duty of subordinate commanding officers.
Section 33-3-15 - Duty of other officers and enlisted men--Preservation of property.
Section 33-3-22 - Interfering with National Guard members in performance of duty--Misdemeanor.
Section 33-3-23 - Target practice--Competition.
Section 33-3-28 - Military personnel authorized to administer oaths.
Section 33-3-29 - Awards to outstanding members of guard authorized.