South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 28 - Traffic Control Devices
Section 32-28-1 - Traffic controlled by go, caution, or stop lights--Signal at place other than intersection.

32-28-1. Traffic controlled by go, caution, or stop lights--Signal at place other than intersection.
Whenever traffic is controlled by traffic control signals exhibiting the words go, caution, or stop, or exhibiting different colored lights successively one at a time, or with arrows, only the colors mentioned in §§32-28-2 to 32-28-5, inclusive, shall be used and said terms and lights shall indicate and apply to drivers of vehicles and pedestrians as provided by §§32-28-2 to 32-28-5, inclusive.
In the event an official traffic control signal is erected and maintained at a place other than an intersection, the provisions of §§32-28-1 to 32-28-5, inclusive, shall be applicable except as to those provisions which by their nature can have no application. Any stop required shall be made at a sign or marking on the pavement indicating where the stop shall be made, but in the absence of any such sign or marking the stop shall be made at the signal.

Source: SL 1963, ch 274, §2.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 32 - Motor Vehicles

Chapter 28 - Traffic Control Devices

Section 32-28-1 - Traffic controlled by go, caution, or stop lights--Signal at place other than intersection.

Section 32-28-2 - Meaning of green or "go" signal--Vehicular traffic--Pedestrians.

Section 32-28-3 - Meaning of steady yellow light--Vehicular traffic--Pedestrians.

Section 32-28-4 - Meaning of steady red light or stop signal--Vehicular traffic--Right turn on red.

Section 32-28-4.1 - Left turn on red--Local option--Violation of restrictions as misdemeanor.

Section 32-28-5 - Meaning of steady red light with green arrow--Vehicular traffic--Pedestrians.

Section 32-28-6 - Flashing red or yellow signal--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 32-28-7 - Meaning of flashing red signal--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 32-28-8 - Meaning of flashing yellow signal--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 32-28-8.1 - Lane direction control signals.

Section 32-28-8.2 - Procedure when traffic lights malfunctioning.

Section 32-28-9 - Signals at railway grade crossings.

Section 32-28-9.1 - Pedestrian control signals--Violation by driver as misdemeanor--Violation by pedestrian as petty offense.

Section 32-28-10 - Other traffic control devices--Directions by police officer--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 32-28-11 - Requirement that official signal be in proper position and legible.

Section 32-28-12 - Control without signs where not required.

Section 32-28-13 - Traffic light control by law enforcement officers.

Section 32-28-15 - Disruption or interference with traffic signal preemption system as misdemeanor.

Section 32-28-16 - Exceptions to application of the provisions of § 32-28-15.

Section 32-28-17 - Photo monitoring devices to detect red light violations prohibited.

Section 32-28-18 - Photo monitoring device defined.

Section 32-28-19 - General law of state.

Section 32-28-20 - Definitions regarding limitations on interstate compacts relating to red light and speed cameras.

Section 32-28-21 - Prohibition on interstate compacts to provide information to impose or collect civil fine for violation captured by red light or speed camera.

Section 32-28-22 - Restriction on providing information to impose or collect civil fine for violation captured by red light or speed camera pursuant to interstate compact.