3-6C-1. Definition of terms in chapters 3-6C to 3-6F.
Terms as used in chapters 3-6C to 3-6F, inclusive, mean:
(1)"Appointing authority," the hiring entity;
(2)"Commission," the Civil Service Commission;
(3)"Bureau," the Bureau of Human Resources;
(4)"Bureau commissioner," a person appointed by and serving at the pleasure of the Governor to administer one of the bureaus of the executive branch of state government;
(5)"Civil service," a system of human resource management for the executive branch of state government based on merit principles governing the appointment, promotion, compensation, removal, transfer, and other matters related to human resource management;
(6)"Civil service employee," a permanent employee not otherwise exempted by the provisions of chapter 3-6D;
(7)"Change in family status," marriage, divorce, or death of the member, spouse, or any covered dependent; birth or adoption of a child; or a change in the employment status of the member, spouse, or any covered dependent;
(8)"Class of positions," all civil service positions that are sufficiently similar in kind or subject matter of work performed, level of difficulty and responsibility, and knowledge, skills, and abilities to warrant similar treatment in personnel and pay administration;
(9)"Compensation," the total compensation, which includes direct salary and fringe benefits. Fringe benefits includes employer paid retirement programs, social security, health insurance, life insurance, and any other programs offering a benefit to the employee in which the employer participates;
(10)"Contribution," the dollar amount established by the human resources commissioner sufficient to cover the cost of the insurance plan;
(11)"Department secretary," a person appointed by and serving at the pleasure of the Governor to administer one of the major departments of the executive branch of state government;
(12)"Dependent," a person who is:
(a)An employee's spouse who is not divorced or legally separated from the employee; or
(b)An employee's child who is:
(i)Under the age of twenty-six or under the age of twenty-nine if a full-time student; and
(ii)Not in military service;
(13)"Deputy," a person who serves as first assistant to, and at the pleasure of, a department secretary, bureau commissioner, or division director if allowed by law;
(14)"Division director," a person appointed by and serving at the pleasure of the department secretary or bureau commissioner to administer a division within a major department or bureau of the executive branch of state government;
(15)"Employee," any person working for state government, paid by the state, or remunerated by other funds raised, appropriated, or otherwise generated by the state. The term does not include any person working for any authority authorized by law;
(16)"Employer," the State of South Dakota;
(17)"Executive branch employee," any employee working for state government except those working for the legislative or judicial branches of state government;
(18)"Human resources commissioner," the commissioner of the bureau;
(19)"Law enforcement employee," any certified law enforcement officer working for the Division of Criminal Investigation or the Highway Patrol;
(20)"Member," a state employee or retiree who is covered by the plan as the primary insured and who may elect to have his or her dependents covered by the plan;
(21)"Permanent employee," an active employee placed in a permanent position, employed by a participating agency. This term does not include temporary, emergency, patient, or student employees;
(22)"Plan," the state employee's benefit insurance plan as created by chapter 3-6E;
(23)"Plan-eligible employee," a permanent employee who is scheduled to work twenty or more hours a week at least six months of the year or an employee employed by an appointing authority who has worked an average of thirty hours or more per week during a twelve-month standard measurement period, as defined by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, as amended to January 1, 2019;
(24)"Position," a collection of duties and responsibilities assigned by the appointing authority to one person;
(25)"Safety-sensitive position," any law enforcement officer authorized to carry firearms and any custody staff employed by any agency responsible for the rehabilitation or treatment of any adjudicated adult or juvenile;
(26)"Self-insured," a state-supported benefit plan in which the initial risk for any losses is born by the plan;
(27)"Spouse," an employee's husband or wife as a result of marriage that is legally recognized in this state or under the laws of the state where the marriage occurred. The term does not include a spouse as a result of a common-law marriage;
(28)"Substance," marijuana as defined in subdivision 22-42-1(7) and any controlled drug or substance as defined in chapter 34-20B.
Source: SL 2012, ch 23, §12; SL 2019, ch 21, §1; SL 2021, ch 22, § 1.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 3 - Public Officers and Employees
Chapter 06C - State Employment General Provisions
Section 3-6C-1 - Definition of terms in chapters 3-6C to 3-6F.
Section 3-6C-2 - Human resources functions of bureau--Delegation.
Section 3-6C-3 - Temporary, patient, and student employees' holiday compensation.
Section 3-6C-4 - Vacation leave--Accrual and accumulation--Advanced leave.
Section 3-6C-6 - Vacation on retirement or resignation--Lump-sum payment option--Payment upon death.
Section 3-6C-7.1 - Paid family leave.
Section 3-6C-8 - Accrual of leave while receiving workers' compensation.
Section 3-6C-9 - Advanced sick leave.
Section 3-6C-10 - Workers' compensation not payable while on vacation or sick leave.
Section 3-6C-11 - Use of sick pay or vacation pay to supplement workers' compensation.
Section 3-6C-12 - Payment for accrued unused sick leave on termination of employment.
Section 3-6C-13 - Donation of accrued vested leave to another employee--Approval by bureau.
Section 3-6C-14 - Restrictions on donation of leave.
Section 3-6C-17 - Leave of absence without pay.
Section 3-6C-18 - Leave and other benefits--Promulgation of rules.
Section 3-6C-19 - Freedom of speech of officers and employees--Restrictive rules prohibited.
Section 3-6C-20 - Holiday benefit eligibility.
Section 3-6C-21 - Leave from work for American Red Cross disaster service volunteers.
Section 3-6C-22 - Disaster service not to affect other benefits.
Section 3-6C-24 - Personnel records.
Section 3-6C-25 - Student intern preference to South Dakota residents or students.