3-14-2. Public property and accounts to be delivered to successor in office.
Every public officer elected or appointed under the laws of this state, on going out of office at the expiration of his term thereof, shall forthwith deliver, and upon his death, resignation, suspension, or removal from office, there shall be forthwith delivered to his successor in office all public money, books, records, accounts, papers, documents, and property in his possession or under his control belonging or appertaining to such office.
Source: PolC 1877, ch 5, §14; PolC 1877, ch 22, §7; CL 1887, §§1384, 1391; RPolC 1903, §§1801, 1810; SL 1915, ch 268, §1; RC 1919, §§7016, 7038; SDC 1939, §48.0317.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 3 - Public Officers and Employees
Chapter 14 - Expiration Of Term Of Office
Section 3-14-1 - Holding over until successor qualified.
Section 3-14-2 - Public property and accounts to be delivered to successor in office.
Section 3-14-3 - Refusal to surrender official seal, books, or papers as misdemeanor.
Section 3-14-4 - Exercising functions of office after expiration of term as misdemeanor.