South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 05 - South Dakota Guardianship And Conservatorship Act
Section 29A-5-203 - Who may file petition for appointment--Contents of petition.

29A-5-203. Who may file petition for appointment--Contents of petition.
A petition for the appointment of a guardian, a conservator, or both, may be filed by the minor, by an interested relative, by the individual or facility that is responsible for or has assumed responsibility for the minor's care or custody, by the individual or entity that the minor has nominated as guardian or conservator, or by any other interested person, including the department of human services or the department of social services.
A petition for the appointment of a guardian, a conservator, or both, shall state the petitioner's name, place of residence, post office address, relationship to the minor, and shall, to the extent known as of the date of filing, state the following with respect to the minor and the relief requested:
(1)The minor's name, date of birth, place of residence or location, and post office address;
(2)The names and post office addresses of the minor's spouse, children, parents, and brothers and sisters, or if none, the minor's nearest known relatives who would be entitled to succeed to the minor's estate by intestate succession;
(3)The name, place of residence or location, and post office address of the individual or facility that is responsible for or has assumed responsibility for the minor's care or custody;
(4)The reasons why guardianship or conservatorship is requested and the interest of the petitioner in the appointment;
(5)The name, post office address and, if the proposed guardian or conservator is an individual, the individual's age, occupation and relationship to the minor;
(6)The name, post office address and, if the minor is age fourteen or older and has nominated a guardian or conservator who is an individual, the individual's age, occupation and relationship to the minor;
(7)The name, post office address and, if a deceased parent has nominated a guardian or conservator who is an individual, the individual's age, occupation and relationship to the minor; and
(8)The name and post office address of any guardian or conservator currently acting, whether in this state or elsewhere.

Source: SL 1993, ch 213, §21; SDCL 30-36-21; SL 1995, ch 167, §181.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 29A - Uniform Probate Code

Chapter 05 - South Dakota Guardianship And Conservatorship Act

Section 29A-5-101 - Citation of chapter.

Section 29A-5-102 - Definition of terms.

Section 29A-5-103 - Application of chapter.

Section 29A-5-104 - Application of circuit court rules of procedure.

Section 29A-5-106 - Application of chapter to person other than parent seeking custody of child--Limitations--Effect of chapter on other law.

Section 29A-5-106.1 - Applicability of §§ 29A-5-106, 29A-5-106.1 and chapter 25-5.

Section 29A-5-108 - Filing petition for appointment--Jurisdiction.

Section 29A-5-109 - Transfer of jurisdiction following appointment.

Section 29A-5-110 - Appointment of individual or entity--Qualifications.

Section 29A-5-111 - Filing of acceptance and bond--Amount of bond--Notice of nonrenewal.

Section 29A-5-112 - Action for breach of bond--Time limit.

Section 29A-5-113 - Designation of agent for non-resident guardian or conservator.

Section 29A-5-114 - Petition for appointment by guardian or conservator appointed in another state.

Section 29A-5-115 - Payment or delivery to nonresident conservator or like fiduciary--Proof of appointment.

Section 29A-5-116 - Compensation of guardian, conservator, attorneys, and other appointed individuals.

Section 29A-5-117 - Appointment of attorney, guardian ad litem, or court representative.

Section 29A-5-118 - Effect--Appointment--Guardian--Conservator--Minor--Protected Person.

Section 29A-5-119 - Training curricula for persons appointed as guardians and conservators.

Section 29A-5-201 - Appointment of guardian or conservator of minor.

Section 29A-5-202 - Nomination of guardian or conservator by minor or parent.

Section 29A-5-203 - Who may file petition for appointment--Contents of petition.

Section 29A-5-204 - Notice of appointment hearing--Exception.

Section 29A-5-205 - Court appointment of attorney to protect minor's interest--Investigation by court-appointed representative.

Section 29A-5-206 - Filing of minor's financial statement.

Section 29A-5-207 - Certain documents to be sealed--Available to certain persons.

Section 29A-5-208 - Hearing--Convenience--Participants--Determination of appointment--Findings and conclusions.

Section 29A-5-209 - Mailing copy of appointment order.

Section 29A-5-210 - Appointment of temporary guardian or conservator.

Section 29A-5-301 - Appointment of guardian or conservator of protected person.

Section 29A-5-302 - Appointment of guardian where capacity lacking to meet requirements for health, care, safety, habilitation, or therapeutic needs.

Section 29A-5-303 - Persons for whom conservator may be appointed.

Section 29A-5-304 - Nomination of guardian or conservator by protected person--Appointment in absence of effective nomination--Multiple appointments.

Section 29A-5-305 - Who may file petition--Contents of petition.

Section 29A-5-306 - Report to be included with petition--Contents.

Section 29A-5-307 - Filing financial statement of protected person.

Section 29A-5-308 - Notice of hearing for protected person.

Section 29A-5-309 - Contest of appointment by protected person.

Section 29A-5-310 - Duties of court representative.

Section 29A-5-311 - Protected person's pre-hearing record sealed.

Section 29A-5-312 - Hearing for alleged person in need of protection--Duty of jury--Duty of court.

Section 29A-5-313 - Mailing appointment order to protected person.

Section 29A-5-314 - Issuing letter of guardianship or conservatorship.

Section 29A-5-315 - Temporary guardian or conservator of protected person.

Section 29A-5-401 - Responsibility of guardian of minor--Authority with regard to guardian appointed under other chapters.

Section 29A-5-402 - Responsibility of guardian of protected person.

Section 29A-5-403 - Annual report of guardian of protected person.

Section 29A-5-404 - Responsibilities of minor's conservator.

Section 29A-5-405 - Responsibilities of conservator of protected person.

Section 29A-5-406 - Protective arrangements for minors or protected persons.

Section 29A-5-407 - Inventory of minor's or protected person's real and personal estate.

Section 29A-5-408 - Annual accounting of conservator.

Section 29A-5-409 - Waiver of accounting requirements--Change in frequency of accountings.

Section 29A-5-410 - Notice of hearing on petition for order subsequent to appointment.

Section 29A-5-411 - Powers of conservator.

Section 29A-5-412 - Confirmation of sale of real estate.

Section 29A-5-413 - Restrictions on conservator of minor or protected person.

Section 29A-5-414 - Liability of guardian for acts of minor or protected person.

Section 29A-5-415 - Liability of conservator on contracts entered into during administration of estate--Torts--Successor conservator.

Section 29A-5-416 - Multiple guardians--Majority concurrence.

Section 29A-5-417 - Presumption of authority of guardian or conservator.

Section 29A-5-418 - Filing letters of conservatorship--Proper county--Constructive notice.

Section 29A-5-419 - Court's authority to limit powers--Authorization sought by guardian or conservator.

Section 29A-5-420 - Court authorized powers of protected person's conservator--Considerations--Hearing--Protected person's will.

Section 29A-5-421 - Restriction of protected person's interaction with family prohibited--Exceptions.

Section 29A-5-422 - Presumption of protected person's consent or refusal based on proof of relationship.

Section 29A-5-423 - Court action to restrict interaction with family member.

Section 29A-5-424 - Good cause factors for restricting interaction.

Section 29A-5-425 - Types of restrictions--Supervised interaction.

Section 29A-5-426 - Proceedings for violation of court order or abuse of discretion by guardian or conservator--Removal.

Section 29A-5-501 - Termination of guardian's or conservator's appointment--Liability for prior acts.

Section 29A-5-502 - Appointment of additional guardians or conservators--Successors.

Section 29A-5-503 - Petition to resign as guardian or conservator.

Section 29A-5-504 - Petition to remove guardian or conservator--Reasons for removal.

Section 29A-5-505 - Termination of guardianship or conservatorship upon minor's death or majority--Adoption or emancipation of minor.

Section 29A-5-506 - Termination of guardianship or conservatorship of minor when no longer needed--Investigation by court representative.

Section 29A-5-507 - Termination of guardianship or conservatorship upon death of protected person.

Section 29A-5-508 - Termination, revocation or modification of guardian or conservator--Modification of limited guardianship or limited conservatorship--Investigation by court representative--Records sealed.

Section 29A-5-509 - Hearing on petition to terminate, revoke, or modify--Jury--Duty of court.

Section 29A-5-510 - State as conservator of protected person--Distribution of assets upon death.