South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 14 - Reimbursement Of County Poor Relief Expenditures
Section 28-14-7 - Recording of poor relief payments by county auditor--Contents of record--Place of filing.

28-14-7. Recording of poor relief payments by county auditor--Contents of record--Place of filing.
It shall be the duty of the county auditor, immediately after issuing of county warrants or payment of cash, as the case may be, for the benefit of any poor person, to record the name of such poor person for whose benefit such warrants or cash were issued, the amount thereof, the purpose for which such warrants or cash were issued, together with the name of the fund from which such warrants or cash were drawn, all properly indexed, and to subsequently record in a like manner each additional payment made by the county for such poor person. Such record shall be filed in the office of the register of deeds of the county in which such poor person resides, and in the county of his legal residence or last residence, if he is an inmate of any state institution or deceased.

Source: SDC 1939, §39.1703; SL 1953, ch 209, §2.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 28 - Public Welfare and Assistance

Chapter 14 - Reimbursement Of County Poor Relief Expenditures

Section 28-14-1 - County claim for reimbursement from person relieved--Enforcement against property.

Section 28-14-2 - Relief of nonresident--Reimbursement by county of residence.

Section 28-14-2.1 - Relief to resident of less than sixty days--Reimbursement by prior county of residence.

Section 28-14-2.2 - Relief to person becoming resident for medical services--Reimbursement by prior county of residence.

Section 28-14-3 - Support and relief for which lien may be established--Burial expenses.

Section 28-14-4 - Medical treatment not subject to lien provisions.

Section 28-14-5 - County lien on property of recipient for care, support, or burial expenses provided--Immediate effect--Reimbursement under catastrophic county poor relief fund.

Section 28-14-6 - Application of lien to property of spouse--Joint tenancy--Continuation of lien.

Section 28-14-7 - Recording of poor relief payments by county auditor--Contents of record--Place of filing.

Section 28-14-8 - Certified copies of record filed in other counties--Lien on property therein.

Section 28-14-9 - Record as notice of lien--Joint tenancy, homestead, and after-acquired property covered.

Section 28-14-10 - Application to county commissioners for correction of record of lien--Action by commissioners.

Section 28-14-11 - Foreclosure of lien by action--Time of commencing action--Restrictions on enforcement against homestead.

Section 28-14-12 - Advertising and sale of personal property acquired by lien foreclosure.

Section 28-14-13 - Rent or sale of real property acquired by foreclosure of lien--Crediting of moneys received.

Section 28-14-14 - Satisfaction of lien on full payment--Statement of satisfaction recorded with register of deeds--Marginal notation by register.

Section 28-14-15 - Appearance by county commissioners in lien proceedings--Compromises and agreements regarding liens--Execution of instruments.

Section 28-14-16 - Filing with county auditor of application for satisfaction, compromise of lien, or correction of record.

Section 28-14-17 - Action and resolution by county commissioners on application--Execution of instruments.

Section 28-14-18 - Recording of satisfactions and releases--No fee--Marginal notation by register of deeds.

Section 28-14-19 - Termination of lien upon closing of estate.

Section 28-14-20 - Termination of certain liens as matter of law.