South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 07 - Commitment And Board-Ordered Care Of Developmentally Disabled Persons
Section 27B-7-36 - Dismissal of petition if not upheld by professional report--Discharge of subject.

27B-7-36. Dismissal of petition if not upheld by professional report--Discharge of subject.
The petition shall be dismissed by the chair of the county review board unless the evaluating psychiatrist or psychologist concludes, in writing, that the person meets the criteria for board-ordered commitment. If the county review board finds that a person does not meet the criteria for board-ordered commitment, the board shall enter a finding to that effect, shall dismiss the petition, and shall direct that the person be immediately discharged if the person has been detained prior to the hearing.

Source: SL 2000, ch 131, §68.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 27B - Developmentally Disabled Persons

Chapter 07 - Commitment And Board-Ordered Care Of Developmentally Disabled Persons

Section 27B-7-24 - County review board--Composition and appointment of board--Qualifications of members--Joint boards--Alternates.

Section 27B-7-25 - Oaths of office of board members.

Section 27B-7-25.1 - Board members immune from civil liability when acting in good faith--Exception.

Section 27B-7-26 - Board jurisdiction of commitment and safekeeping of involuntarily committed persons--Process used in discharge of duties.

Section 27B-7-27 - Petition for board-ordered admission asserting need for immediate intervention--Contents.

Section 27B-7-28 - Board order for examination and report on petition--Contents of report--County to be reimbursed for additional examination.

Section 27B-7-29 - Board to notify department of petition--Department to prepare report--Filing.

Section 27B-7-30 - Disclosure of information.

Section 27B-7-31 - Contents of report in § 27B-7-28.

Section 27B-7-32 - Finding of residence.

Section 27B-7-32.1 - Request to reopen hearing regarding residence.

Section 27B-7-32.2 - Appearance before board--Notice--Findings of board.

Section 27B-7-32.3 - Costs of reopened hearing--Lien against patient not permitted.

Section 27B-7-32.4 - Finding of nonresidency to be forwarded to attorney general.

Section 27B-7-32.5 - Attorney general may request reopened hearing--Notice.

Section 27B-7-32.6 - Presentation of evidence--Burden of proof--Filing of finding.

Section 27B-7-32.7 - Costs of reopened hearing--Reimbursement by county or state.

Section 27B-7-32.8 - Refund of expenses of reopened hearing.

Section 27B-7-33 - Time and place of hearing--Notice--Copies of order after hearing.

Section 27B-7-34 - Procedure governing hearings.

Section 27B-7-35 - Participation by state's attorney.

Section 27B-7-36 - Dismissal of petition if not upheld by professional report--Discharge of subject.

Section 27B-7-37 - Order for involuntary commitment of person posing immediate danger to self or others--Protective custody.

Section 27B-7-38 - Board may issue detention order--Person detained without professional's recommendation to be examined within given time or released--Professional examination and report--Person released if not dangerous.

Section 27B-7-39 - Annual review of commitment order--Provision of report--Notice of hearing--Participation at hearing--Procedures--Results of hearing.

Section 27B-7-39.1 - Rights of person during hearing--Waiver of rights--Exclusion of persons.

Section 27B-7-39.2 - Attendance of court reporter--Record of proceedings.

Section 27B-7-39.3 - Request for transcript or copy--Costs.

Section 27B-7-40 - Department to notify board of death of resident.

Section 27B-7-41 - Counsel to represent subject--Procedural rights.

Section 27B-7-42 - Payment of counsel.

Section 27B-7-43 - Liability for costs.

Section 27B-7-44 - Diagnosis of developmental disability or commitment by board does not constitute incompetence.

Section 27B-7-45 - Right of appeal of hearing or review--Person to be advised of right--Appeal procedures--Rights not to be denied on grounds of indigency.

Section 27B-7-47 - Right to habeas corpus.

Section 27B-7-48 - Involuntary commitment--Rules.

Section 27B-7-49 - Crime of assisting in escape of involuntarily committed person--Penalties.

Section 27B-7-50 - Discharge.

Section 27B-7-51 - Notification of discharge--Transportation.

Section 27B-7-51.1 - Discharge--Notification of discharge--Voluntary admission.

Section 27B-7-52 - Liability for costs of care of persons not provided transportation--Report of delinquencies--Notification--Payment.