South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 13 - Costs Of Care And Treatment In State Facilities
Section 27A-13-11 - Review and change of amounts to be charged.

27A-13-11. Review and change of amounts to be charged.
The secretary of social services may, at any time, review and change any determination for applicable charges.

Source: SL 1964, ch 104, §4 (4); SDCL §27-9-8; SL 1989, ch 21, §101; SL 2011, ch 1 (Ex. Ord. 11-1), §71, eff. Apr. 12, 2011.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 27A - Mentally Ill Persons

Chapter 13 - Costs Of Care And Treatment In State Facilities

Section 27A-13-2 - Definition of terms.

Section 27A-13-3 - Department responsible for collection and processing of fees.

Section 27A-13-3.1 - Human Services Center to maintain billing statement for each patient--Determination of ability to pay--Costs assessed patient or state.

Section 27A-13-3.2 - Secretary to promulgate rules to determine fees and ability to pay.

Section 27A-13-4 - Liability of resident and legally responsible person for cost of care--Federal charges.

Section 27A-13-5 - Tender of charges required on voluntary hospitalization--County or governmental pledge of payment--Monthly payment in advance--Indigent person.

Section 27A-13-6 - County payments for indigent voluntary patients entitled to poor relief--Residency not admitted by payment.

Section 27A-13-7 - Periodic approval and monthly assessment of charges--Method of computation.

Section 27A-13-8 - Full per diem cost paid by person financially able to pay.

Section 27A-13-9 - Application to pay less than applicable charge--Investigation and consideration by secretary.

Section 27A-13-10 - Determination by secretary of amount to be charged--Appeal and hearing.

Section 27A-13-11 - Review and change of amounts to be charged.

Section 27A-13-12 - Liability restricted to statutory liability--Claim against decedent's estate--Voluntary payments.

Section 27A-13-13 - Civil suit for collection of payments--Lien on property--Claim against decedent's estate.

Section 27A-13-14 - Collection of delinquent accounts--Credit to general fund.

Section 27A-13-15 - County appropriation for support of mentally ill.

Section 27A-13-16 - Admission fee to be paid by county of residence--Amount.

Section 27A-13-17 - Procedure for determining county of residency.

Section 27A-13-18 - County claim that patient is improperly charged to county--Investigation and determination by attorney general--Notice to state and county officers.

Section 27A-13-18.1 - Appeal of residence determination to circuit court by county--Notice to attorney general--Trial de novo.

Section 27A-13-18.2 - Appeal of residence determination to circuit court by attorney general--Service and filing of notice--Trial de novo.

Section 27A-13-19 - Charges to state for patient determined to be nonresident.

Section 27A-13-19.1 - Voluntary admission of non-resident--Waiver of fee.

Section 27A-13-20 - Appeal to circuit court from attorney general's determination as to residence of patient.

Section 27A-13-21 - Administrator to charge expenses to county of residence despite commitment from another county.

Section 27A-13-22 - Expenses paid by county reimbursed by county of residence.

Section 27A-13-22.1 - Refund with interest by county of residence of expenses incurred by attorney general.

Section 27A-13-25 - Administrator's report to county of patients discharged--Notice to county auditor.

Section 27A-13-26 - Monthly certification of charges to counties--Payment--Deposit.

Section 27A-13-27 - Uniform system of accounts continued.

Section 27A-13-28 - Accounts maintained in accordance with system--Records maintained by county auditor.

Section 27A-13-31 - Action by county for reimbursement--Lien on property.

Section 27A-13-32 - Notice by county auditor and collection of charges from persons responsible--Notice of appeal procedure.

Section 27A-13-33 - Accrual of state or county claim--Commencement during life of patient--Past claims.

Section 27A-13-34 - Disposition of amounts collected from patient or responsible person.