South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 11A - Hearings Procedure
Section 27A-11A-8 - Interrogatories to be answered with health professional's certificate or examination.

27A-11A-8. Interrogatories to be answered with health professional's certificate or examination.
If a hearing is held on a petition for involuntary commitment, correct answers to the following interrogatories, so far as they can be obtained, shall accompany the report of the qualified mental health professional's initial examination, which shall be provided to the person's attorney and state's attorney prior to the hearing:

(a) Informant:(1) Name
(2) Address
(3) Relationship
(b) Patient: (1) Full name
(2) Born, place, date
(3) Sex, race, education
(4) Occupation
(5) Social Security No.
(6) How long in South Dakota
(7) Marital status
(c) Wife/Husband:(1) Name
(2) Address
(d) Father: (1) Full name
(If a minor) (2) Address
(e) Mother: (1) Full name
(If a minor) (2) Address
(f) Next of kin: (1) Full name
(2) Address
(3) Relationship
(g) Legally responsible relative or guardian:
(1) Full name
(2) Address
(3) Relationship
(h)Military service
(i)Previous treatment for mental illness: Give dates and places of treatment, dates of previous hospitalization, etc.
(j)A review of previous behavior or acts which led to involuntary commitment or treatment which are similar or related to the person's present psychiatric condition or status
(a)Physical condition, including any special test results:
(b)Present mental condition:
(c)Is this patient considered to be a danger to himself? If so, explain:
(d)Is this patient considered to be a danger to others? If so, explain:
(e)Diagnostic impression:
(f)Is the person taking any medication or drugs? List them if known. In your opinion, do these have an effect on the person's current behaviors? If so, explain:
(g)In your opinion, could this person benefit from treatment? If so, please list the least restrictive alternatives:
(h)Signature of qualified mental health professional.

Source: SDC 1939, §30.0110; SL 1965, ch 146; SDCL, §27-7-10; SL 1975, ch 181, §95; SL 1991, ch 220, §144; SDCL, §27A-9-11; SL 1995, ch 154, §2.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 27A - Mentally Ill Persons

Chapter 11A - Hearings Procedure

Section 27A-11A-1 - Process issued by board--Conduct of meetings--Evidentiary rulings--Notice by mail.

Section 27A-11A-1.1 - Petitions, applications, and documents made under oath or affirmation.

Section 27A-11A-1.2 - Qualification of electronic document as signed document.

Section 27A-11A-1.3 - Assurance of authenticity of electronic signature.

Section 27A-11A-1.4 - Electronically transmitted facsimile.

Section 27A-11A-1.5 - Statutes, rules, standards, and practices for accepting documents for filing or admission as evidence not altered--Exceptions.

Section 27A-11A-2 - Stenographic record of proceedings--Certified transcript or tape requested by patient--Expense.

Section 27A-11A-3 - Filing of board papers with clerk of courts--Confidentiality and access.

Section 27A-11A-4 - State's attorney to represent petitioners--Reasonable costs.

Section 27A-11A-5 - Personal service of petition and notice of hearing--Contents of notice.

Section 27A-11A-6 - Sheriff's and witnesses' fees.

Section 27A-11A-7 - Assignment of counsel to represent alleged mentally ill person--Time allowed.

Section 27A-11A-8 - Interrogatories to be answered with health professional's certificate or examination.

Section 27A-11A-9 - Expenses of evaluation--Additional examination.

Section 27A-11A-10 - Precautions against drugs hampering defense--Record of treatments administered.

Section 27A-11A-11 - Personal appearance at hearing--Presentation of evidence--Choosing not to appear.

Section 27A-11A-12 - Compensation for appointed counsel.

Section 27A-11A-13 - Determining residency.

Section 27A-11A-14 - Request by county to reopen hearing on question of residence--Time and place of hearing--Notice--Filing and mailing of ultimate finding--Payment of expenses.

Section 27A-11A-15 - Attorney general notified of findings as to nonresidency in state.

Section 27A-11A-16 - Hearing reopened at attorney general's request--Notice--Mailing of ultimate findings--Payment of expenses.

Section 27A-11A-17 - County of residence to refund attorney general's expenses.

Section 27A-11A-18 - Distribution of copies of board findings and documents.

Section 27A-11A-19 - Hearing required prior to transfer of involuntarily committed patient--Petition--Payment of expenses.

Section 27A-11A-20 - Appointment of escort to convey patient to center--Same sex--Expenses--Relative as escort.

Section 27A-11A-21 - Noncompliance with treatment order--Alternative treatment--Notice and right to counsel.

Section 27A-11A-22 - Unsuccessful treatment--Hearing--Modification of treatment.

Section 27A-11A-23 - Fund designated for expenses of commitment proceeding.

Section 27A-11A-24 - Rules of evidence.

Section 27A-11A-25 - Appeal of final order--Costs for indigent person.

Section 27A-11A-26 - Appointed attorney not guardian ad litem.

Section 27A-11A-27 - Guardianship of estate unaffected by board proceedings.

Section 27A-11A-28 - Location and conduct of hearings and reviews.