26-11A-20.1. Risk and needs evaluation required for juvenile who is not discharged by age nineteen.
A risk and needs evaluation shall be conducted for any juvenile under the jurisdiction of the department who reaches the age of nineteen years who has not been discharged pursuant to §26-11A-20. The evaluation shall focus on the amount of progress made while under the jurisdiction of the department, the ongoing needs of the juvenile, and what risks the juvenile would present to the community or self if discharged at that point. Additionally, the evaluation shall identify recommendations regarding treatment and transition services that will prepare the juvenile for discharge from the jurisdiction of the department. The secretary shall initiate any actions necessary, including referral or civil commitment to service systems for the mentally ill or developmentally disabled, to ensure the treatment needs of the juvenile and the safety interests of the public are best served.
Source: SL 2007, ch 163, §7.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 11A - Juvenile Correctional Facilities And Programs
Section 26-11A-1.4 - Department authorized to lease former state property--Disposition of revenue.
Section 26-11A-2 - Acceptance and expenditure of funds--Approval.
Section 26-11A-5 - Age limit for juvenile within departmental jurisdiction.
Section 26-11A-7 - Jurisdiction and custody of adjudicated juvenile.
Section 26-11A-8.1 - Treatment and aftercare plans--Treatment team meetings.
Section 26-11A-9 - Transfer of juvenile after initial placement.
Section 26-11A-11 - Custodian of person of juvenile.
Section 26-11A-16 - Finding of violation or frustration of purpose--Continuance of aftercare.
Section 26-11A-17 - Release of juvenile for continuance of aftercare.
Section 26-11A-18 - Form of hearings.
Section 26-11A-19 - Reimbursement of expenses--Procedure.
Section 26-11A-23 - Use of restraints prohibited--Exceptions--"Restraints" defined.
Section 26-11A-24 - Definition of terms.
Section 26-11A-25 - Monitor within juvenile corrections system--Primary duty.
Section 26-11A-27 - Powers and duties of monitor.
Section 26-11A-28 - Monitor to report findings of abuse or neglect.
Section 26-11A-31 - Knowingly hindering actions of monitor as misdemeanor.
Section 26-11A-33 - Identities of persons or agencies reporting to monitor to remain confidential.
Section 26-11A-34 - Records to be provided to the court and Department of Social Services.