25-6-22. Medical information on adoptee's birthparent available to adoptee or adoptee's legal guardian--Written request--Proof.
An adoptee or the adoptee's legal guardian having knowledge of a hospital or clinic with medical information of an adoptee's birth parent may provide a written request to the hospital or clinic for that information. The adoptee shall send a copy of the written request to the Department of Social Services in Pierre. The adoptee or the adoptee's legal guardian shall provide to the hospital or clinic proof that the person whose medical information is being sought is a birth parent of the adoptee seeking the information. When a hospital or clinic receives a written request and the proof as required by this section, it shall release the medical information to the Department of Social Services. Upon receipt of the medical information from the hospital or clinic, the department shall forward the information to the adoptee or the adoptee's legal guardian. A hospital's or clinic's compliance with this section may not be construed as a violation of subdivision 19-19-503(b) or §34-12-15.
Source: SL 1994, ch 196, §2.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 06 - Adoption Of Children
Section 25-6-1.1 - Father of illegitimate child not entitled to notice unless acknowledged.
Section 25-6-3 - Consent of spouse required for adoption.
Section 25-6-4 - Consent of child's parents required for adoption--Court waiver of consent.
Section 25-6-4.1 - Compelling, coercing, or forcing adoption as felony.
Section 25-6-4.2 - Offering, giving, or receiving unauthorized consideration for adoption as felony.
Section 25-6-5 - Consent of child over twelve required.
Section 25-6-6 - Jurisdiction of circuit court--Appeal.
Section 25-6-7 - Venue of adoption proceedings.
Section 25-6-8 - Joinder of proceedings as to two or more children--Separate orders required.
Section 25-6-9 - Period of residence in home required before petition granted.
Section 25-6-9.1 - Home study report—Requirement--Cost.
Section 25-6-9.2 - Effective date.
Section 25-6-10 - Time of hearing on petition fixed--Investigation ordered by court.
Section 25-6-11 - Notice to Department of Social Services--Recommendation of department--Appearance.
Section 25-6-12 - Execution of consent and agreement by parties--Appearances at hearing.
Section 25-6-13 - Examination of witnesses and investigations by court--Order of adoption--Contents.
Section 25-6-15.1 - Confidentiality of records.
Section 25-6-15.2 - Nonidentifying information--Release to adoptive parent or adoptee.
Section 25-6-15.3 - Registry of consents to release of identifying information.
Section 25-6-16 - Change of name by adopted child--Relationship with adoptive parent.
Section 25-6-17 - Rights and duties of natural parents terminated on adoption--Exceptions.
Section 25-6-18 - Petition for adoption of adult--Consent--Residence requirement.
Section 25-6-19 - Order for adoption of adult.
Section 25-6-21 - Cure of past irregularities in proceedings--Limitation of actions.
Section 25-6-24 - Due regard to be afforded Indian Child Welfare Act.
Section 25-6-25 - Effect of adoption orders of another jurisdiction or nation.