25-5-29. Person other than parent permitted to seek custody of child--Parent's presumptive right to custody--Rebuttal.
Except for proceedings under chapter 26-7A, 26-8A, 26-8B, or 26-8C, the court may allow any person other than the parent of a child to intervene or petition a court of competent jurisdiction for custody or visitation of any child with whom he or she has served as a primary caretaker, has closely bonded as a parental figure, or has otherwise formed a significant and substantial relationship. It is presumed to be in the best interest of a child to be in the care, custody, and control of the child's parent, and the parent shall be afforded the constitutional protections as determined by the United States Supreme Court and the South Dakota Supreme Court. A parent's presumptive right to custody of his or her child may be rebutted by proof:
(1)That the parent has abandoned or persistently neglected the child;
(2)That the parent has forfeited or surrendered his or her parental rights over the child to any person other than the parent;
(3)That the parent has abdicated his or her parental rights and responsibilities; or
(4)That other extraordinary circumstances exist which, if custody is awarded to the parent, would result in serious detriment to the child.
Source: SL 2002, ch 126, §1.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Section 25-5-3 - Presumption of parentage.
Section 25-5-6 - Parental control of child's property.
Section 25-5-7 - Parents equally entitled to custody and earnings of child born in wedlock.
Section 25-5-7.2 - Residential parent to make routine decisions concerning child.
Section 25-5-7.5 - Access to records and application requirements not applicable to certain parents.
Section 25-5-7.6 - Parent sharing custody to foster other parent's relationship with child.
Section 25-5-8 - Father's rights not superior to mother's while separated.
Section 25-5-10 - Custody and earnings of children born out of wedlock.
Section 25-5-10.1 - Best interest of child not presumed--Change of custody.
Section 25-5-11 - Wages of minor payable to minor or conservator.
Section 25-5-12 - Relinquishment of child control and earnings--Abandonment by parent.
Section 25-5-13 - Residence of child--Right to change--Procedure.
Section 25-5-14 - Parent and child not answerable for act of other.
Section 25-5-16 - Judicial cognizance of parental abuses--Freeing child from parental dominion.
Section 25-5-18.1 - Parental duty to support child.
Section 25-5-18.2 - Parental duty to support certain grandchildren.
Section 25-5-19 - Emancipation by express agreement--Approval of circuit court.
Section 25-5-21 - Duty of emancipated child to parent.
Section 25-5-23 - Foster parents' liability to foster children.
Section 25-5-24 - Emancipated minor defined.
Section 25-5-25 - Age of majority for certain purposes--Parent or guardian liability.
Section 25-5-26 - Petition for emancipation--Procedure.
Section 25-5-27 - Rescission of declaration of emancipation.
Section 25-5-28 - Declaration obtained by fraud voidable--Proceedings.
Section 25-5-30 - Circumstances suggesting serious detriment to child.
Section 25-5-31 - No right created on behalf of stepparent.
Section 25-5-34 - Applicability of §§ 25-5-29 to 25-5-34.
Section 25-5-35 - Breastfeeding permitted in certain locations.