South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 04 - Divorce And Separate Maintenance
Section 25-4-17.4 - Validation of divorce granted without personal appearance.

25-4-17.4. Validation of divorce granted without personal appearance.
Any divorce or separate maintenance which has been granted without the personal appearance of a party is hereby legalized and validated.

Source: SL 1987, ch 187, ยง2.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 25 - Domestic Relations

Chapter 04 - Divorce And Separate Maintenance

Section 25-4-1 - Marriage dissolved only by death or divorce--Status of parties after divorce.

Section 25-4-2 - Grounds for divorce.

Section 25-4-3 - Adultery defined.

Section 25-4-4 - Extreme cruelty defined.

Section 25-4-5 - Willful desertion defined--Special conditions applicable.

Section 25-4-8 - Refusal of intercourse as desertion--Refusal to live together.

Section 25-4-9 - Desertion by departure during absence of spouse induced by fraud.

Section 25-4-10 - Desertion by cruelty or threats causing departure of spouse.

Section 25-4-11 - Separation by consent not desertion.

Section 25-4-12 - Intent to desert formed during proper absence.

Section 25-4-13 - Desertion by refusal of reconciliation after separation.

Section 25-4-14 - Offer to return curing desertion--Refusal of offer as desertion.

Section 25-4-15 - Willful neglect defined.

Section 25-4-16 - Habitual intemperance defined.

Section 25-4-17 - Continuous period of desertion, neglect, or intemperance required.

Section 25-4-17.1 - Irreconcilable differences defined.

Section 25-4-17.2 - Dissolution of marriage--Legal separation--Continuance--Orders during continuance--Consent of parties.

Section 25-4-17.3 - Use of affidavits to establish jurisdiction and grounds for divorce.

Section 25-4-17.4 - Validation of divorce granted without personal appearance.

Section 25-4-18 - Chronic mental illness as discretionary ground.

Section 25-4-19 - Grounds for denial of divorce.

Section 25-4-20 - Connivance defined.

Section 25-4-21 - Collusion defined.

Section 25-4-22 - Condonation defined--Required elements.

Section 25-4-23 - Condonation not implied by endurance of continuing conduct constituting ground for divorce.

Section 25-4-24 - Fraudulent concealment of ground of divorce avoiding condonation.

Section 25-4-25 - Conjugal kindness as condition subsequent to condonation.

Section 25-4-26 - Revocation of condonation and revival of ground for divorce.

Section 25-4-30 - Residence requirements for divorce or separate maintenance.

Section 25-4-30.1 - Venue of action--Change by defendant.

Section 25-4-33 - No presumption as to same domicile of parties--Separate domiciles after separation.

Section 25-4-33.1 - Automatic temporary restraining order upon service.

Section 25-4-34 - Waiting period before trial of divorce and separate maintenance actions--Temporary orders and preliminary proceedings during waiting period.

Section 25-4-34.1 - Validation of prior decrees granted on sixtieth day--Deadline for contesting validity.

Section 25-4-35 - Validity of proceedings on service by publication under prior law.

Section 25-4-38 - Alimony pending action.

Section 25-4-39 - Separate maintenance granted on denial of divorce.

Section 25-4-40 - Action for separate maintenance without divorce--Alimony and support.

Section 25-4-41 - Allowance for support when divorce granted.

Section 25-4-42 - Security for payments required of spouse--Receivership--Allowance withheld when recipient's estate sufficient.

Section 25-4-44 - Division of property between parties.

Section 25-4-45 - Child custody provisions--Modification--Preference of child.

Section 25-4-45.1 - Fault not considered in awarding property or child custody--Exceptions.

Section 25-4-45.2 - Intervention by attorney general or state's attorney when support assigned to state.

Section 25-4-45.3 - Adoption of fee schedule for home studies or investigations ordered by court in custody proceedings.

Section 25-4-45.4 - Counsel appointed for child in certain divorce or custody proceedings--Duty of counsel--Assistance--Costs.

Section 25-4-45.5 - Consideration of domestic abuse and assault conviction in custody award.

Section 25-4-45.6 - Consideration of conviction for death of other parent in custody award.

Section 25-4-45.7 - Protective orders and arrest reports considered in determining existence of history of domestic abuse.

Section 25-4-45.8 - Consideration of reporting abuse falsely or without good cause in custody award.

Section 25-4-46 - Alimony, support, property, and child custody provisions subject to review on appeal.

Section 25-4-47 - Restoration of former name to wife--Validation of prior decrees.

Section 25-4-51 - Report of divorces to department of health.

Section 25-4-52 - Visitation rights for grandparents--Enforcement by circuit court.

Section 25-4-54 - Visitation rights of grandparents--Child placed for adoption.

Section 25-4-55 - Exclusion of child from custody proceedings.

Section 25-4-56 - Custody and visitation disputes--Mediation order--Exceptions--Investigation--Allocation of costs.

Section 25-4-57 - Court appointment of mediator.

Section 25-4-58 - Adoption of court rules establishing minimum qualifications of mediator.

Section 25-4-58.1 - Minimum qualifications for family court mediators.

Section 25-4-58.2 - Conduct of Family Court Mediators.

Section 25-4-59 - Privacy of mediation proceedings.

Section 25-4-60 - Confidentiality of mediation communications and mediator's work product.

Section 25-4-61 - Written mediated agreement--Signing--Court approval.

Section 25-4-62 - Recommendation by mediator to court upon parties' failure to agree.

Section 25-4-63 - Custody and visitation disputes--Appointment of parenting coordinator.

Section 25-4-64 - Parenting coordinator appointment at party request or on court's own motion.

Section 25-4-65 - Qualifications of parenting coordinator.

Section 25-4-66 - Appointment upon consent of parties.

Section 25-4-67 - Parenting coordinator application form.

Section 25-4-68 - Term of parenting coordinator--Resignation--Discharge.

Section 25-4-69 - Parenting coordinator fees and costs.

Section 25-4-70 - Duties of parenting coordinator.

Section 25-4-71 - Attorney and parenting coordinator fees related to motion.

Section 25-4-72 - Authority of court.

Section 25-4-73 - Standards of conduct for parenting coordinators.

Section 25-4-74 - Communications with parenting coordinator not confidential.

Section 25-4-82 - Time for filing motion for intentional concealment of assets.

Section 25-4-83 - Nonexclusive remedies.