25-1-6. Incestuous marriages void.
Marriages between parents and children, ancestors and descendants of every degree, and between brothers and sisters of the half as well as the whole blood, and between uncles and nieces, or aunts and nephews, and between cousins of the half as well as of the whole blood, are null and void from the beginning, whether the relationship is legitimate or illegitimate. The relationships provided for in this section include such relationships that arise through adoption.
Source: SDC 1939, §14.0106 (1); SL 1994, ch 165, §1.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 01 - Validity And Performance Of Marriages
Section 25-1-1 - Marriage defined--Consent and solemnization required.
Section 25-1-2 - Present consent to marriage required.
Section 25-1-5 - Manifestation and proof of consent and consummation of marriage.
Section 25-1-6 - Incestuous marriages void.
Section 25-1-7 - Marriage with stepchild void.
Section 25-1-8 - Bigamous marriage void--Former spouse absent or believed dead.
Section 25-1-9 - Age of consent to marriage with and without parental consent.
Section 25-1-10.2 - Application for marriage license--Required statement.
Section 25-1-11 - Issuance of license to unqualified persons prohibited.
Section 25-1-15 - Unlawful issuance of license as misdemeanor.
Section 25-1-24 - Time allowed after license for solemnization of marriage.
Section 25-1-28.1 - Distribution of HIV educational material before license issued.
Section 25-1-30 - Persons authorized to solemnize marriages.
Section 25-1-31 - Solemnization of marriage without license as misdemeanor.
Section 25-1-32 - Identity and ages of parties to be established before solemnization of marriage.
Section 25-1-33 - Solemnization of marriage between unauthorized persons as misdemeanor.
Section 25-1-35 - Certificate delivered to parties--Return to register of deeds.
Section 25-1-38 - Validity of marriages contracted outside state--Same-sex marriages excluded.
Section 25-1-40 - Marital rights not restored by pardon from life sentence.