South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 15 - Paroles From The Penitentiary
Section 24-15-25 - Parole of mentally ill inmate--Continuation of treatment as condition.

24-15-25. Parole of mentally ill inmate--Continuation of treatment as condition.
If the Board of Pardons and Paroles considers an inmate sentenced pursuant to §23A-27-38 for parole, the board shall consult with the treating facility at which the inmate is being treated or from which the inmate has been discharged concerning the information required by §23A-27-39. If the inmate is placed on parole by the board, treatment recommended by the treating facility shall be made a condition of parole. An inmate's failure to continue treatment, except by agreement of the treating facility and the board, is basis for commencing a parole revocation hearing and grounds for parole revocation.

Source: SL 1983, ch 174, §20; SL 1992, ch 177, §26.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 24 - Penal Institutions, Probation and Parole

Chapter 15 - Paroles From The Penitentiary

Section 24-15-1 - Files and case histories of inmates--Purposes--Access to file.

Section 24-15-1.1 - Parole defined--Prisoner not required to accept parole--No right to parole.

Section 24-15-1.2 - Prior felonies--Determination and effect on parole eligibility.

Section 24-15-2 - Contents and sources for case histories.

Section 24-15-3 - Establishment of date of parole consideration eligibility--Change--Hearing--Completion of history--Findings regarding inmate.

Section 24-15-4 - Inmate sentenced to life imprisonment ineligible for parole--Exception.

Section 24-15-5 - Time of eligibility for parole.

Section 24-15-6 - Effect of concurrent sentences on eligibility for parole.

Section 24-15-7 - Effect of consecutive sentences on eligibility for consideration for parole.

Section 24-15-7.1 - Effect of consecutive sentence for offense committed as an inmate.

Section 24-15-8 - Right of eligible inmate to hearing before board--Decline of parole--Waiver of hearing--Criteria for parole.

Section 24-15-9 - Transfer of inmate to Human Services Center--Return to penitentiary.

Section 24-15-10 - Waiting period for new application after denial of parole or clemency.

Section 24-15-11 - Restrictions on parolee--Bond--Restitution--Child support--Supervision fees.

Section 24-15-11.1 - Substituting community service for supervision fees.

Section 24-15-11.2 - Revenue to general fund.

Section 24-15-11.3 - Promulgation of rules establishing supervision fees.

Section 24-15-12 - Clothing and travel expense for parolee.

Section 24-15-13 - Legal custody of parolee--Conviction remains in effect.

Section 24-15-14 - Supervision of parolees--Employment of personnel.

Section 24-15-15 - Out-of-state employment of parolee--Supervision by other state--State laws remaining applicable.

Section 24-15-16 - Interstate agreements for supervision and return of parolees unimpaired.

Section 24-15-19 - Powers of Department of Corrections when purposes of parole not being served.

Section 24-15-20 - Order to show cause against parole revocation--Grounds.

Section 24-15-21 - Director's warrant to arrest parolee or inmate--Suspension of parole supervision time--Time credited.

Section 24-15-22 - Records and report to board on return of parolee to penitentiary.

Section 24-15-23 - Preliminary hearing on parole violation--Waiver of preliminary hearing--Detention for board hearing--Waiver of appearance at revocation hearing.

Section 24-15-23.1 - Preliminary hearing on parole violation not required under certain conditions.

Section 24-15-23.2 - Failure to provide preliminary hearing prior to return to facility--Hearing required after return.

Section 24-15-24 - Revocation or modification of parole.

Section 24-15-25 - Parole of mentally ill inmate--Continuation of treatment as condition.

Section 24-15-26 - Arrest of parolee--Notification to executive director.

Section 24-15-27 - Request to modify parole agreement.

Section 24-15-28 - Reimbursement of county for expenses incurred in detention of parole violator.

Section 24-15-29 - Voucher to claim reimbursement for county's expenses in detaining parole violator--Limit on amount.

Section 24-15-30 - Written waiver of right to hearing or appearance.