24-11-4.1. Creation of area jail or juvenile detention facility compact--Liquidated damages for withdrawal without consent--Acquisition of facilities--Funding--Operation--Lease with compact.
Any combination of counties or municipalities of this state may enter into an agreement pursuant to chapter 1-24 for the creation of an area jail or juvenile detention facility compact which may be a separate legal entity. In addition to the provisions of chapter 1-24, an agreement pursuant to this section may be for any period of time and may provide for liquidated damages to be imposed upon any party withdrawing without the consent of all other parties to the agreement. The liquidated damages may not exceed the minimum contribution agreed to by the withdrawing party to termination of the agreement reduced to present value. The compact may own, purchase, construct or otherwise acquire ownership of jail or juvenile detention facilities located within any of the parties. The compact may issue revenue bonds, enter into lease, lease-purchase and sale, and lease-back agreements, either as lessee or lessor, in the manner provided in §§7-25-19 and 7-25-20, or take any other steps necessary to assist in funding jail or juvenile detention facilities. Operation of the jail or juvenile detention facility shall remain under the authority of the county where the facility is located or by agreement with a municipality. Any county or municipality may enter into lease or lease-purchase agreements with an area jail or juvenile detention facility compact pursuant to §§7-25-19 and 7-25-20.
Source: SL 1986, ch 202, §1; SL 1987, ch 185, §1; SL 1993, ch 188, §1.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 24 - Penal Institutions, Probation and Parole
Section 24-11-1 - Jail defined--Classification of jails.
Section 24-11-2 - Establishment of county jail at expense of county.
Section 24-11-5 - Confinement of fugitive from justice--Compensation.
Section 24-11-6 - Confinement of federal prisoners--Compensation--Penalty for violation.
Section 24-11-10 - Required fireproofing for designated jail.
Section 24-11-11 - Heat and furnishings for jail--Expense.
Section 24-11-12 - Appointment of jail physician--Physician's reports.
Section 24-11-13 - Officer in charge of jail--Conformance to policies and procedures.
Section 24-11-16 - Jail records to be maintained.
Section 24-11-19 - Separation of sexes.
Section 24-11-20 - Failure to separate sexes as misdemeanor.
Section 24-11-23 - Policies and procedures--Adoption--Contents.
Section 24-11-24 - Posting and distribution of policies and procedures.
Section 24-11-29 - Inmates requesting work.
Section 24-11-32.1 - Charge against work release pay for maintenance cost--Waiver by commissioners.
Section 24-11-33 - Crediting work against fine imposed.
Section 24-11-35 - Prevention of escape while working.
Section 24-11-36 - Protection of working prisoners from public annoyance.
Section 24-11-37 - Communication with working prisoner as petty offense.
Section 24-11-38 - Malfeasance by jail officials--Misdemeanor.
Section 24-11-42 - Requirements of contract for correctional facility.
Section 24-11-43 - Liability of private entity contracting for correctional facility.
Section 24-11-44 - Sections 24-11-39 to 24-11-43 liberally construed.
Section 24-11-45 - Prisoner liable for costs of confinement--Deferred payment plan or waiver.
Section 24-11-45.1 - County lien for costs of confinement.
Section 24-11-46 - Prisoner liable for fines, restitution, and obligation.
Section 24-11-48 - Delivery of prohibited items to inmate as misdemeanor or felony.
Section 24-11-49 - Involuntary treatment of prisoners with psychotropic medication.
Section 24-11-50 - Hearing prior to treatment--Panel--Rights of prisoner--Order--Appeal.
Section 24-11-51 - Periodic review of involuntary treatment.
Section 24-11-52 - Emergency involuntary treatment.
Section 24-11-53 - Records of involuntary treatment.
Section 24-11-54 - Immunity from liability for involuntary treatment.
Section 24-11-55 - Jail mental health screening pilot program.
Section 24-11-56 - Training to administer jail mental health screening tool.
Section 24-11-57 - Statewide mental health screening tool.
Section 24-11-58 - Annual report to oversight council.
Section 24-11-59 - Screening results provided to committing court.
Section 24-11-60 - Training on symptoms of mental health problems and defusing mental health crises.