South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 20 - (Rule 24) The Trial Jury
Section 23A-20-7.1 - Affirmation permitted in lieu of oath.

23A-20-7.1. Affirmation permitted in lieu of oath.
Any person required to take an oath pursuant to §§15-14-11, 23A-5-7, 23A-20-7, and 23A-25-5.1, who, having conscientious scruples against oath-taking, shall be allowed to make affirmation. Such person may also substitute the words, "under pains and penalties of perjury," for the words "so help you God."

Source: SL 2007, ch 131, §5.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 23A - Criminal Procedure

Chapter 20 - (Rule 24) The Trial Jury

Section 23A-20-1 - Jurors summoned for civil actions used for criminal trials.

Section 23A-20-2 - Alternative methods of selecting jurors.

Section 23A-20-3 - Call of jurors equal to number required including challenges.

Section 23A-20-4 - Formation of trial jury as in civil actions.

Section 23A-20-6 - Prospective jurors--Examination.

Section 23A-20-7 - Oath of panel members.

Section 23A-20-7.1 - Affirmation permitted in lieu of oath.

Section 23A-20-8 - Excuse and replacement of juror disqualified for cause--Challenges for cause on record.

Section 23A-20-9 - Kinds of challenge for cause--Taken by either party.

Section 23A-20-10 - Order of taking challenges for cause.

Section 23A-20-13.1 - Challenges for cause in criminal cases.

Section 23A-20-14 - Entry in minutes of challenge to individual juror.

Section 23A-20-15 - Objections to challenge of jurors--Denial of facts.

Section 23A-20-16 - Trial by court of challenges.

Section 23A-20-17 - Examination as witness of challenged juror--Evidence received.

Section 23A-20-18 - Allowance or disallowance of challenge to individual juror.

Section 23A-20-19 - Peremptory challenge defined--Either party.

Section 23A-20-20 - (Rule 24(b)) Number of peremptory challenges allowed.

Section 23A-20-21 - Additional challenges granted by court.

Section 23A-20-22 - Challenges allowed when more than one defendant.

Section 23A-20-23 - Time of motion for additional challenges.

Section 23A-20-24 - Alternative methods of exercising peremptory challenges.

Section 23A-20-25 - Alternating peremptory challenges.

Section 23A-20-26 - Peremptory challenges exercised as in civil trials.

Section 23A-20-27 - Trial jury constituted after peremptory challenges--Last jurors chosen as alternates.

Section 23A-20-28 - (Rule 24(c)) Impaneling of alternate jurors--Replacement of regular jurors--Qualifications and oaths.

Section 23A-20-28.1 - Additional methods of choosing alternate jurors.

Section 23A-20-29 - Grounds for excuse of juror during trial.

Section 23A-20-30 - Degree of kindred--Direct and collateral line--Descending and ascending direct line--Degrees in collateral line.