23A-14-13. Record of John Doe testimony--Warrant for arrest of offender.
The testimony of a witness attending pursuant to §23A-14-11 shall be reduced to writing by the committing magistrate or some person under his direction. If the offense complained of appears to have been committed, a warrant for the arrest of the offender shall be issued and further proceedings shall then be had as provided by law.
Source: SDC 1939 & Supp 1960, §34.0901; SDCL, §23-20-11; SL 1978, ch 178, §484.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 23A - Criminal Procedure
Chapter 14 - (Rule 17) Subpoena And Attendance Of Witnesses
Section 23A-14-2 - Attorneys' subpoena for witnesses within state.
Section 23A-14-3 - (Rule 17(b)) Subpoenas for indigent defendant--Payment of costs.
Section 23A-14-6 - (Rule 17(d)) Service of subpoena--Tender of fees and mileage.
Section 23A-14-7 - (Rule 17(e)(1)) Place of service of subpoena.
Section 23A-14-9 - (Rule 17(f)(1)) Authority for subpoena for deposition.
Section 23A-14-10 - (Rule 17(f)(2)) Place attendance required for deposition.
Section 23A-14-11 - John Doe subpoena for examination before magistrate--Compelling obedience.
Section 23A-14-12 - Advice as to rights given to John Doe witness--Immunity provisions applicable.
Section 23A-14-13 - Record of John Doe testimony--Warrant for arrest of offender.
Section 23A-14-14 - Interstate summons of witnesses--Definition of terms.
Section 23A-14-17 - Placement of witness in custody of officer from other state.
Section 23A-14-20 - Fees tendered to witness summoned from another state.
Section 23A-14-21 - Duration of stay required of witness summoned from another state.
Section 23A-14-22 - Immunity from process of witness summoned from another state.
Section 23A-14-23 - Immunity from process of witness passing through under interstate summons.
Section 23A-14-24 - Punishment for contempt by witness summoned from another state.
Section 23A-14-25 - (Rule 17(g)) Disobedience of subpoena as contempt of court.
Section 23A-14-26 - Motions relating to subpoena--Hearing.
Section 23A-14-27 - Stay of subpoena until ruling on motion.