South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 07 - Firearms Control
Section 23-7-54.4 - Request for unrestricted enhanced permit upon reaching age twenty-one.

23-7-54.4. Request for unrestricted enhanced permit upon reaching age twenty-one.
A person holding an unexpired restricted enhanced permit who has reached the age of twenty-one may submit a written request to the secretary of state for an unrestricted enhanced permit. The unrestricted enhanced permit shall be issued at no additional cost.

Source: SL 2018, ch 141, §4, eff. Mar. 9, 2018.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 23 - Law Enforcement

Chapter 07 - Firearms Control

Section 23-7-1 - Definitions applicable to chapter.

Section 23-7-1.1 - Antique or nondischargeable firearms excepted.

Section 23-7-7 - Permit to carry concealed pistol--Background investigation--Carrying pistol without permit not prohibited.

Section 23-7-7.1 - Requirements for issuance of temporary permit--Time requirement--Appeal of denial.

Section 23-7-7.2 - Liability of issuing authority.

Section 23-7-7.3 - Reciprocity with other states--Conditions.

Section 23-7-7.5 - Active duty military personnel and spouses.

Section 23-7-7.6 - Time requirement for INTERPOL check.

Section 23-7-8 - Application for permit, enhanced permit, or gold card permit to carry concealed pistol.

Section 23-7-8.1 - Form and contents of permit, enhanced permit, and gold card permit.

Section 23-7-8.2 - Duration of permit.

Section 23-7-8.3 - Permit issued to specific person--Transfer prohibited.

Section 23-7-8.4 - Revocation of permit--Procedure.

Section 23-7-8.6 - List, record, or registry of privately owned firearms, owners of firearms, or holders of permits prohibited.

Section 23-7-8.7 - Application of firearm confidentiality provisions.

Section 23-7-8.8 - Law enforcement officer not restricted in performance of official duty under specified circumstances.

Section 23-7-8.9 - Retention of data by law enforcement officer limited.

Section 23-7-8.10 - Access restricted to application, record, or registry of holders of permits.

Section 23-7-8.11 - Renewal of regular permit to carry concealed pistol.

Section 23-7-8.12 - Renewal of regular concealed carry permit by deployed military service member.

Section 23-7-8.13 - Grace period for renewal of permit.

Section 23-7-8.14 - Grace period not applicable to certain permit holders.

Section 23-7-9 - Pistol to be delivered wrapped and unloaded--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 23-7-11 - Regulation does not apply to sale of pistols at wholesale.

Section 23-7-12 - False information or false evidence of identity to secure pistol or permit as felony.

Section 23-7-18 - Sale of pistol by retail dealer--Restrictions--Misdemeanor.

Section 23-7-43 - New serial number engraved or stamped on firearm.

Section 23-7-44 - Possession of pistols by minors prohibited--Misdemeanor.

Section 23-7-45 - Possession of pistols by minors--Exceptions to prohibitions.

Section 23-7-46 - Prohibited transfer of firearms and ammunition to juveniles--Felony.

Section 23-7-47 - Prosecuting attorney's report to attorney general of certain names for reporting to National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

Section 23-7-48 - Attorney general's transmission of certain names to National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

Section 23-7-49 - Petition for restoration of right to possess firearm.

Section 23-7-50 - Hearing for restoration of right to possess firearm--Confidentiality of record--Order.

Section 23-7-51 - Submission of order restoring right to possess firearm for reporting to National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

Section 23-7-53 - Enhanced permit to carry concealed pistol--Application.

Section 23-7-54 - Temporary enhanced permit to carry concealed pistol--Requirements--Records.

Section 23-7-54.1 - Fingerprint and background check for holder of enhanced permit issued from July 1, 2015, through December 31, 2016.

Section 23-7-54.2 - Age requirement for enhanced permit--Temporary restricted enhanced permit for individuals age eighteen to twenty.

Section 23-7-54.3 - New temporary restricted enhanced permit substituted for permit issued between July 1, 2015 and March 9, 2018.

Section 23-7-54.4 - Request for unrestricted enhanced permit upon reaching age twenty-one.

Section 23-7-55 - Duration of enhanced permit to carry concealed pistol--Identification required.

Section 23-7-56 - Enhanced permit to carry concealed pistol--Renewal.

Section 23-7-57 - References, rights, and responsibilities related to permit to carry concealed pistol apply to enhanced permit and gold card permit.

Section 23-7-58 - Qualifying handgun course.

Section 23-7-59 - Use of force course for instructors.

Section 23-7-60 - Gold card permit to carry concealed pistol--Application.

Section 23-7-61 - Temporary gold card permit to carry concealed pistol--Requirements--Records.

Section 23-7-62 - Renewal of gold card permit to carry concealed pistol.

Section 23-7-63 - Duration of gold card permit to carry concealed pistol.

Section 23-7-64 - Revocation of gold card or enhanced permit to carry concealed pistol-Sheriff to secure return of permit--Petition for return of permit.

Section 23-7-65 - Possession of revoked gold card or enhanced concealed pistol permit as misdemeanor.

Section 23-7-66 - Surrender to court of revoked gold card or enhanced concealed pistol permits.

Section 23-7-67 - Failure or refusal to surrender revoked gold card or enhanced permit as misdemeanor.

Section 23-7-68 - National Instant Criminal Background Check of gold card or enhanced concealed pistol permit holders.

Section 23-7-69 - Notice to secretary of state of change of name or address--Issuance of new permit.

Section 23-7-70 - Carrying concealed pistol in malt or alcoholic beverage establishment prohibited.

Section 23-7-71 - Minors prohibited from carrying concealed pistol except with parent or guardian.

Section 23-7-72 - Concealed carry permit fees--Reimbursement to county.