South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 06 - Criminal Statistics
Section 23-6-14 - Access to files and records of bureau.

23-6-14. Access to files and records of bureau.
The Governor, and persons specifically authorized by the director, shall have access to the files and records of the bureau. No such file or record of information shall be given out or made public except as provided in this chapter, or except by order of court, or except as may be necessary in connection with any criminal investigation in the judgment of the Governor or director, for the apprehension, identification or trial of a person, or persons, accused of crime, or for the identification of deceased persons, or for the identification of property.

Source: SL 1939, ch 138, §14; SDC Supp 1960, §55.15A14.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 23 - Law Enforcement

Chapter 06 - Criminal Statistics

Section 23-6-1 - Bureau of Criminal Statistics--Establishment in Office of Attorney General.

Section 23-6-2 - Attorney general as director of bureau--Seal--No salary.

Section 23-6-3 - Work of bureau--Assignment of deputies and clerks--Expenses paid from department appropriation.

Section 23-6-4 - Statistical information--Compilation by director--Misdemeanor.

Section 23-6-5 - Information as to particular offenders--Gathering by director--Misdemeanor.

Section 23-6-6 - Classification of crimes and offenders--Promulgation by director--Misdemeanor.

Section 23-6-7 - Authority of director to enter prisons and penal institutions--Misdemeanor.

Section 23-6-8 - Information received by bureau--Filing by director--Form and classification of records, preservation.

Section 23-6-8.1 - Destruction of records of certain persons, incidents, and offenses.

Section 23-6-9 - Copy of available information--Furnishing to law enforcement agencies--Misdemeanor.

Section 23-6-10 - Reports by director--Contents--Distribution--Misdemeanor.

Section 23-6-11 - Access of director to public records--Misdemeanor.

Section 23-6-12 - Cooperation of bureau with federal government and other states--Development of international system of criminal identification--Misdemeanor.

Section 23-6-14 - Access to files and records of bureau.

Section 23-6-15 - Acceptance of rewards by director or employees prohibited.

Section 23-6-16 - Officials dealing with persons charged with crime--Reports required by director--Misdemeanor.

Section 23-6-17 - Coroners--Transmission of information required by director--Misdemeanor.

Section 23-6-19 - Uniformity of interpretation of chapter.

Section 23-6-20 - Citation of chapter.