23-5A-26. Disclosure to unauthorized person or agency a felony--Unauthorized use or tampering a felony.
Any person who knowingly or intentionally discloses any DNA record or the results of a forensic DNA analysis, to a person or agency other that one authorized to have access to such records under this chapter; or knowingly or intentionally uses or receives DNA records, or the results of a forensic DNA analysis, for purposes other than those authorized under this chapter; or knowingly or intentionally tampers or attempts to tamper with any DNA sample or the collection container without lawful authority, is guilty of a Class 5 felony.
Source: SL 2003, ch 133, §26.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Section 23-5A-1 - Definition of terms.
Section 23-5A-3 - Duties of State Forensic Laboratory.
Section 23-5A-5.1 - Registered sex offenders required to provide DNA sample.
Section 23-5A-5.2 - Adult arrested for qualifying offense required to provide DNA sample.
Section 23-5A-7 - Interjurisdictional provisions to provide DNA sample.
Section 23-5A-9 - Agencies or institutions may contract with third parties to collect samples.
Section 23-5A-10 - Fingerprints to be provided as identification of person.
Section 23-5A-11 - DNA samples to be forwarded to State Forensic Laboratory.
Section 23-5A-12 - Immunity from liability of persons collecting DNA samples.
Section 23-5A-13 - Reasonable force allowed in collection of DNA sample--Immunity from liability.
Section 23-5A-14 - Refusal to supply sample a felony.
Section 23-5A-16 - Promulgation of rules for collection, analysis, storage, etc.
Section 23-5A-17 - Permissible uses of DNA analyses.
Section 23-5A-18 - Uses of DNA samples remaining after analyses.
Section 23-5A-20 - Revocation of license of public DNA laboratory.
Section 23-5A-22 - Confidentiality of records--Disclosure prohibited.
Section 23-5A-23 - Records not public.
Section 23-5A-24 - Discovery rules govern access to DNA records.
Section 23-5A-25 - Release of record or sample for certain authorized purposes.
Section 23-5A-26 - Disclosure to unauthorized person or agency a felony--Unauthorized use or tampering a felony.
Section 23-5A-27 - Confidentiality of software and databases used by state laboratory.
Section 23-5A-28 - Request for expungement--Grounds.
Section 23-5A-29 - Expungement of record--Receipt of court order--Exception.
Section 23-5A-30 - Expungement not required if certain other evidence would be destroyed.
Section 23-5A-31 - Failure to expunge not grounds for invalidation.
Section 23-5A-32 - Liberal construction of chapter--Other laws.