South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 14 - Coroner's Inquests
Section 23-14-7 - Witnesses to be subpoenaed--Fees--Compelling attendance--Contempt.

23-14-7. Witnesses to be subpoenaed--Fees--Compelling attendance--Contempt.
The coroner may issue subpoenas for witnesses or records, returnable forthwith or at such time and place as the coroner shall direct, and witnesses shall be allowed the same fees as in cases before a magistrate. The coroner has the same authority as a magistrate to enforce the attendance of witnesses and to punish them and jurors for contempt in disobeying the process.

Source: SDC 1939 & Supp 1960, §34.1008; SL 1974, ch 153, §42; SL 1998, ch 145, §1.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 23 - Law Enforcement

Chapter 14 - Coroner's Inquests

Section 23-14-1 - Duty of coroner to inquire into cause of death.

Section 23-14-3 - Summons of jury for coroner's inquest.

Section 23-14-5 - Bystander as juror--Juror failing to appear.

Section 23-14-7 - Witnesses to be subpoenaed--Fees--Compelling attendance--Contempt.

Section 23-14-9 - Physician summoned to make examination--Compensation.

Section 23-14-9.1 - Autopsy ordered by state's attorney, sheriff, or coroner.

Section 23-14-9.2 - Autopsy fees--Coroner performing autopsy--County of residence to pay for autopsy.

Section 23-14-10 - Testimony in writing--Subscribing by witnesses.

Section 23-14-12 - Inquest not made public until arrest directed.

Section 23-14-13 - Arrest of person charged--Coroner's warrant.

Section 23-14-14 - Coroner's warrant equal to magistrate's warrant--Proceedings as on complaint.

Section 23-14-15 - Recitals in coroner's warrant--Foundation for commitment proceedings.

Section 23-14-16 - Papers returned to circuit court.

Section 23-14-17 - Forms to be promulgated--Publication--Effect of forms.

Section 23-14-18 - Deaths to be investigated by coroner.

Section 23-14-18.1 - Designation of special death investigators.

Section 23-14-18.2 - Jurisdiction and duties of special death investigators.

Section 23-14-18.3 - Investigation of uncertified deaths.

Section 23-14-18.4 - Compensation of special death investigators.

Section 23-14-19 - Joint custody of dead bodies and effects--Movement prohibited--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 23-14-20 - Certificate prepared by coroner.