South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 09 - Legislative Research Council
Section 2-9-6 - Investigative powers of board.

2-9-6. Investigative powers of board.
In the discharge of any duty herein imposed, the executive board or its duly appointed committees shall have authority to administer oaths, require reports, issue subpoenas, compel the attendance of witnesses, and the production of any papers, books, accounts, documents, and testimony, and to cause the depositions of witnesses, either residing within or without the state, to be taken in the manner prescribed by law for taking depositions in civil actions in the circuit court.

Source: SL 1951, ch 286, §5; SDC Supp 1960, §55.05A05.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 2 - Legislature and Statutes

Chapter 09 - Legislative Research Council

Section 2-9-1 - Council continued--Composition and functions.

Section 2-9-1.1 - Annual report of council on judicial opinions.

Section 2-9-2 - Executive Board of the Legislative Research Council--Members--Terms--Vacancies.

Section 2-9-2.1 - Party makeup of executive board members.

Section 2-9-3 - Executive board chair and vice chair--Vacancies.

Section 2-9-3.1 - Term of executive board.

Section 2-9-4 - Powers and duties of executive board.

Section 2-9-5 - Meetings and quorum of board--Rules--Annual report filed with Legislative Research Council.

Section 2-9-6 - Investigative powers of board.

Section 2-9-7 - Compensation and allowances of council and board members.

Section 2-9-7.1 - Charges for printing statutes from data base.

Section 2-9-8 - Director--Staff--Supplies and equipment.

Section 2-9-9 - Code counsel established--Qualifications and appointment.

Section 2-9-10 - Offices of code counsel.

Section 2-9-11 - Powers and duties of code counsel.

Section 2-9-13 - Legislative student intern program created within council--Purpose.

Section 2-9-13.1 - Assignment of interns.

Section 2-9-14 - Administration of intern program--Supervision of interns.

Section 2-9-30 - Determination of fiscal impact and preparation of fiscal note for initiated measure or initiated constitutional amendment.

Section 2-9-30.1 - Initiated measure or initiated amendment to Constitution submitted before July 1, 2017.

Section 2-9-32 - Fiscal note for referred law.

Section 2-9-33 - Prison or jail population--Cost estimate--Requirements.

Section 2-9-34 - Contents of cost estimate.