2-11-5. Subjects studied by commission--Recommendations for legislation.
It shall be the duty of said commissioners to examine the subjects of marriage and divorce, insolvency, the form of notarial certificates, the descent and distribution of property, the acknowledgment of deeds, the execution and probate of wills, and other subjects upon which uniformity in state laws is desirable.
It shall also be the duty of said commission on uniform legislation to bring about as far as practicable the uniform judicial interpretation of all uniform laws, and generally to devise and recommend such additional legislation, or other or further course of action as shall tend to accomplish the purposes of this chapter.
Source: SDC 1939, ยง55.0803.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 2 - Legislature and Statutes
Chapter 11 - Commission On Uniform Legislation
Section 2-11-1 - Composition of commission--Appointment and terms--Life members--Vacancies.
Section 2-11-2 - Meetings of commission--Chairman and secretary--Record of transactions.
Section 2-11-4 - Purpose of commission.
Section 2-11-5 - Subjects studied by commission--Recommendations for legislation.
Section 2-11-6 - Attendance at meetings of National Conference--Promotion of uniformity.