13-8-10. Meetings of board--Election of officers--Designation of depository and newspaper--Quorum.
The annual meeting shall be held on the second Monday of July unless otherwise designated by the board at the prior regular meeting. Regular meetings shall be on the second Monday of each month unless otherwise designated by the board at the annual meeting. At the annual meeting the school board shall organize by the election of a president and a vice president from its membership, and such officers shall serve until the next annual meeting. The board shall designate the depository or depositories as provided in §13-16-15, and the custodians of all accounts; and designate the legal newspaper to be used for publishing all official notices and proceedings. A majority of the members of the school board constitutes a quorum for the purpose of conducting business. Any board action may be taken if it is approved by the majority of the members voting.
Special meetings may be held upon call of the president or in the president's absence by the vice-president, or a majority of the board members. Notice of such meeting shall be given by the business manager to the board members either orally or in writing in sufficient time to permit their presence.
Source: SDC 1939, §15.2516; SL 1951, ch 63, §3; SL 1955, ch 41, ch 9, §4; SDC Supp 1960, §15.2304; SL 1964, ch 43; SL 1973, ch 86, §5; SL 1975, ch 128, §48; SL 2007, ch 92, §1.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 08 - School Boards And School District Officers
Section 13-8-1 - School board defined.
Section 13-8-2 - Composition and terms of office of school board members.
Section 13-8-5 - Waiting period after election on size of school board.
Section 13-8-10.1 - Associations of school boards--Majority vote for membership--Annual dues.
Section 13-8-14 - Assumption of office by newly elected or appointed members--Oath and bond.
Section 13-8-15 - Filing and administration of oaths.
Section 13-8-16 - Failure of member to qualify.
Section 13-8-18 - Amount of business manager's bond.
Section 13-8-19 - Approval and filing of bonds.
Section 13-8-20 - New or additional bond required.
Section 13-8-21 - Action on bond after default--Taxpayer's action.
Section 13-8-22 - Incumbent continued in office when successor not elected or qualified.
Section 13-8-23 - Events creating vacancy on school board.
Section 13-8-24 - Resignation not effective until successor appointed and qualified.
Section 13-8-25 - Appointment to fill vacancy on school board--Qualification and term of appointee.
Section 13-8-26 - Appointment of committees--Persons authorized to countersign checks and warrants.
Section 13-8-34 - Approval and signing of minutes of school board.
Section 13-8-36.1 - Publication rates paid by school boards.
Section 13-8-37 - Compensation of board members.
Section 13-8-38 - Travel allowance of school board members.
Section 13-8-39 - Management of schools by board--General powers.
Section 13-8-39.2 - Authority to provide day-care for children of enrolled students.
Section 13-8-43 - Records of business manager open to public inspection.
Section 13-8-44 - Destruction, falsification or failure to deliver records as misdemeanor.
Section 13-8-47 - Annual report to department--Contents, filing, and auditing--Past-due reports.
Section 13-8-48 - Forfeiture by officer or employee for failure to make report.
Section 13-8-50 - Before or after school programming for school children--Fee.
Section 13-8-50.1 - Fees deposited into school district's public enterprise fund.
Section 13-8-55 - Membership in associations to enhance state education quality permitted.