13-60-5. Purpose of mining experiment station.
Such station shall be maintained for the purpose of carrying on experiments in the treatment of ores and other mineral products of this state with the object of determining the most suitable and economical method of extracting values or making the products marketable.
Source: SDC 1939, ยง15.1402.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 60 - South Dakota School Of Mines And Technology
Section 13-60-1 - Name and location of school--Control by Board of Regents--Programs of instruction.
Section 13-60-4 - Mining experiment station continued--Control by Board of Regents.
Section 13-60-5 - Purpose of mining experiment station.
Section 13-60-6 - Assays and tests made at mining experiment station--Charges.
Section 13-60-7 - Collection and accounting for fees for assays and tests made at school--Deposit.
Section 13-60-8 - Museum of geology and paleontology administered by school--Purpose.