13-59-2.2. Dakota State University at Madison--Purposes--Degree programs.
The primary purpose of Dakota State University at Madison in Lake County is to provide instruction in computer management, computer information systems, electronic data processing, and other related undergraduate and graduate programs. The secondary purpose is to offer two-year, one-year and short courses for application and operator training in the areas authorized by this section.
This authorization includes the preparation of elementary and secondary teachers with emphasis in computer and information processing.
Except for degree programs in existence during the 1983-84 academic year, the unique baccalaureate programs authorized for Dakota State University shall not be duplicated by the Board of Regents.
Source: SL 1984, ch 142, §2; SL 1989, ch 170, §3.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Section 13-59-1 - Names, locations, and purposes of schools--Degrees authorized by Board of Regents.
Section 13-59-2.1 - Black Hills Indian studies center recognized--Purposes.
Section 13-59-2.2 - Dakota State University at Madison--Purposes--Degree programs.
Section 13-59-2.4 - Dakota State University--Medical records and respiratory therapy programs.
Section 13-59-12 - Lake County museum building as state property.