13-54-8. Agricultural extension work--Assent to federal act--Acceptance of grants.
In conformity to an act of Congress approved May 22, 1928, and entitled "An Act to provide for the further development of agricultural extension work between the agricultural colleges in the several states receiving the benefits of the Act entitled 'An Act donating public lands to the several states and territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts,' approved July 2, 1862, and all Acts supplementary thereto, and the United States Department of Agriculture," the assent of the Legislature of the State of South Dakota is hereby given to all the provisions of said act, and the grants of money therein made are accepted by the State of South Dakota upon the terms and conditions named therein.
Source: SDC 1939, §4.0501; SDCL, §38-3-1.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 54 - Extension Work Of State Institutions
Section 13-54-2 - Receipt and disbursement of federal funds for agricultural extension work.
Section 13-54-5 - Reports of state university on agricultural extension work.
Section 13-54-6 - Farmers' institutes provided by Board of Regents.
Section 13-54-7 - Other forms of extension work provided by board.
Section 13-54-8 - Agricultural extension work--Assent to federal act--Acceptance of grants.
Section 13-54-9 - Board of Regents to conduct extension work.
Section 13-54-12 - Per diem and expenses of county extension board.
Section 13-54-13 - Expenditures by county extension board--Warrants.