13-53-48. Time for submission of documentation.
The institution shall require that the documentation from the student, provided for by §13-53-47, be submitted within forty-five days after the start of classes.
Source: SL 2007, ch 119, §3.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 53 - Administration Of State Institutions
Section 13-53-1.2 - Form for statement of registration compliance--Inclusion in application.
Section 13-53-1.3 - Postsecondary institutions may offer elective course in American sign language.
Section 13-53-2 - Unnecessary duplication of departments and facilities prohibited.
Section 13-53-3 - Economy considered in administration of schools--Unification of work.
Section 13-53-4 - Rules and regulations for management of institutions.
Section 13-53-5 - Delegation of authority to school officials.
Section 13-53-6 - Tuition rates and fees.
Section 13-53-6.3 - Qualification for resident tuition rates.
Section 13-53-7 - Degrees and honors conferred by board--Faculty recommendation.
Section 13-53-8 - Contract with school board for educational services.
Section 13-53-15 - Receipt by state treasurer of institutional moneys--Distribution.
Section 13-53-15.3 - Medical school funds.
Section 13-53-22 - Institutions named as insured in policies.
Section 13-53-23 - Payment of insurance premiums.
Section 13-53-23.1 - Residence defined.
Section 13-53-24 - Twelve-month residency requirement to qualify as resident student.
Section 13-53-26 - Twelve months of residency must immediately precede first day of classes.
Section 13-53-27 - Residence of unemancipated person for purpose of higher education.
Section 13-53-29 - Exception to twelve-month residency requirements.
Section 13-53-29.1 - Resident tuition--Veterans--Armed forces personnel--Spouse or child.
Section 13-53-30 - Reclassification of residence status upon removal of parents' residence.
Section 13-53-31 - Residence classification to remain with continuous enrollment.
Section 13-53-32 - Affect of foreign citizenship on residence status.
Section 13-53-33 - Exemption from nonresident tuition and fees for nonresident student.
Section 13-53-34.1 - Reclassification to resident status upon marriage to state resident.
Section 13-53-35 - Affect of paying taxes and voting on residence status.
Section 13-53-36 - Burden of proof in claim to resident student status.
Section 13-53-37 - Appeal of residency determination.
Section 13-53-38 - Authority of board to grant resident status in unusual circumstances.
Section 13-53-39 - Penalties for fraud or deceit by student in applying for resident status.
Section 13-53-40 - Suspension for failure to pay additional money due because of nonresident status.
Section 13-53-41 - Waiver of overpayment of tuition and fees for failure to timely appeal.
Section 13-53-43 - Transfer of credits--General education.
Section 13-53-44 - Technical colleges--Transfer of credits.
Section 13-53-45 - Confidentiality of information--Restrictions.
Section 13-53-46 - Definition of terms in §§ 13-53-47 and 13-53-48.
Section 13-53-48 - Time for submission of documentation.
Section 13-53-49 - Expressive activity and intellectual diversity defined.
Section 13-53-52 - Discrimination based on content or viewpoint of expressive activity prohibited.
Section 13-53-53 - Annual report on intellectual diversity and free exchange of ideas.