13-39A-28. Tuition subaccount.
There is hereby created within the technical colleges facilities fund a tuition subaccount. The board may determine and require that all or any portion of the tuition and other student fees payable to an LEA shall be deposited in the subaccount. No moneys may be disbursed from the tuition subaccount for any purpose other than to pay lease rentals or other amounts owed in connection with:
(1)Any facility originally leased to the Board of Regents but now utilized for career and technical education if the facility is on the campus of a technical college; and
(2)Any lease-purchase agreement authorized in §§13-39A-24 and 13-39A-25 unless the South Dakota Health and Educational Facilities Authority files with the state treasurer a certification that it has on deposit or there has otherwise been appropriated sufficient moneys to pay all amounts due or to become due within the next three months on all the lease-purchase agreements.
No lease rentals on facilities described in subdivision (1) may be paid unless the board has approved the assumption of the former Board of Regents' lease obligations by the tuition subaccount. Thereafter, the state treasurer shall retain in the technical colleges facilities fund for future repair and improvement an amount not to exceed ten percent of the fund, as the board directs.
Source: SL 2017, ch 81, §28; SL 2020, ch 61, § 17.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 39A - South Dakota Board Of Technical Education
Section 13-39A-1 - Definitions.
Section 13-39A-2 - South Dakota Board of Technical Education--Creation.
Section 13-39A-3 - Political party membership.
Section 13-39A-4 - Terms of members.
Section 13-39A-6 - President--Meetings.
Section 13-39A-7 - Majority vote required--Minutes.
Section 13-39A-8 - Member compensation and expenses.
Section 13-39A-9 - Board members--No technical college employees.
Section 13-39A-10 - Executive director.
Section 13-39A-11 - Local governing bodies--Retain powers not given to board.
Section 13-39A-12 - Tuition and fees.
Section 13-39A-13 - Annual state funding requests.
Section 13-39A-14 - Management policies, goals, and objectives.
Section 13-39A-15 - New construction or major renovation of facilities.
Section 13-39A-16 - Additional duties of board.
Section 13-39A-17 - Accreditations.
Section 13-39A-18 - Promulgation of rules.
Section 13-39A-19 - Successor to Board of Education Standards on agreements.
Section 13-39A-20 - Performance of agreements.
Section 13-39A-21 - Apportionment and distribution of funds to LEAs.
Section 13-39A-22 - Distribution of funds to technical colleges.
Section 13-39A-23 - Separate accounting and funds by LEAs.
Section 13-39A-25 - Provisions of lease-purchase agreements.
Section 13-39A-26 - Security for payments by LEA or board under lease-purchase agreements.
Section 13-39A-27 - Technical colleges facilities fund.
Section 13-39A-28 - Tuition subaccount.
Section 13-39A-29 - Technical college equipment fund.
Section 13-39A-30 - Payment of obligations under lease-purchase agreement.
Section 13-39A-31 - Petition to establish technical college.
Section 13-39A-32 - Recommendation of petition to Legislature.
Section 13-39A-33 - Legislative approval of petition.
Section 13-39A-35 - Petition to establish technical college as distinct separate LEA.
Section 13-39A-36 - Board governing distinct separate LEA.
Section 13-39A-37 - Terms of board members.
Section 13-39A-38 - Appointment of members.
Section 13-39A-40 - Confidentiality of student information.
Section 13-39A-41 - Administrative rules not affected.
Section 13-39A-42 - State support of four technical colleges.