South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 28 - School Attendance Privileges And Tuition
Section 13-28-37.1 - State subsidized high school dual credit program--Course requirements--Limitations on participation--Tuition rate--Payment of tuition and costs.

13-28-37.1. State subsidized high school dual credit program--Course requirements--Limitations on participation--Tuition rate--Payment of tuition and costs.
A state subsidized high school dual credit program must be established for any student in grades eleven or twelve. The public institution of higher education or technical college offering the credit shall set the admission standards. A participating institution shall regularly submit course availability, enrollment, and completion data to the Department of Education.
If a student receives a failing grade in any course or withdraws from a course after the deadline and does not receive credit for the course, the student may no longer participate in the program. The Board of Regents or Board of Technical Education may reinstate a student who is prohibited from participating in the dual credit program if the student demonstrates good cause for failing a course or withdrawing from a course, or if at the student's expense the student retakes and passes the course that the student withdrew from or failed.
The dual credit program may not be used for remedial courses.
The Board of Regents shall set a high school dual credit tuition rate equivalent to forty-three percent of the undergraduate tuition rate. The student taking the course shall pay an amount equal to thirty-three and three-tenths percent of the total high school dual credit tuition rate and a school district may pay any portion of the student's share. The state shall pay an amount equal to sixty-six and seven-tenths percent of the total high school dual credit tuition rate. No public institution of higher education or technical college offering the credit may require any additional fees.
The student is responsible for any other costs involved with attending a postsecondary institution. For the purposes of this section, the term, undergraduate tuition rate, means the per-credit rate, as set by the Board of Regents, that was in effect on January first of the previous fiscal year.

Source: SL 2018, ch 96, §2; SL 2020, ch 57, §1; SL 2020, ch 61, §41; SL 2022, ch 47, §2.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 13 - Education

Chapter 28 - School Attendance Privileges And Tuition

Section 13-28-1.1 - Enrolled student defined.

Section 13-28-2 - Kindergarten enrollment eligibility--Transfer from another state.

Section 13-28-4 - Legal age provisions applicable to public and nonpublic schools.

Section 13-28-5 - Public school privileges free to children until age twenty-one--Fee for early childhood services.

Section 13-28-6 - Continuation of privileges to pupil becoming twenty-one during school year.

Section 13-28-7.1 - Immunizations required for admission to school or early childhood program--Exceptions--Rules.

Section 13-28-7.2 - Immunizations provided at public expense.

Section 13-28-7.3 - Exclusion of student for risk of infectious disease or communicable parasite--Readmission.

Section 13-28-8 - Admission of adults resident in district without tuition.

Section 13-28-9.1 - Residence of child assigned to special education program.

Section 13-28-10 - School residency of child residing in home other than residence of parents, guardian, or noncustodial parents--Petition to local school board--Appeal.

Section 13-28-11 - Child residing in residential treatment center or intensive residential treatment center--Responsibility for tuition.

Section 13-28-14 - School privileges of persons honorably discharged from military service.

Section 13-28-15 - Assignment of elementary students within district--Factors considered--Review of board's decision.

Section 13-28-19 - Assignment of students by school board.

Section 13-28-19.1 - Student assignment where school district dissolves and is annexed to another district.

Section 13-28-21 - Admission of nonresident students.

Section 13-28-22 - Tuition charged for students not entitled to free school privileges of district.

Section 13-28-23 - School board to pay tuition for assigned students.

Section 13-28-24 - Advance payment of tuition by student or parents--Refund if student ceases to attend.

Section 13-28-30 - Period of pupil's membership in school--Date of permanent withdrawal.

Section 13-28-34 - Rebates and refunds to induce attendance at school as misdemeanor.

Section 13-28-35 - Tuition charges for adult education program.

Section 13-28-37 - Postsecondary enrollment--Course credit--Failing grade eliminates eligibility.

Section 13-28-37.1 - State subsidized high school dual credit program--Course requirements--Limitations on participation--Tuition rate--Payment of tuition and costs.

Section 13-28-39 - Payment of tuition costs for students in residential treatment centers, intensive residential treatment centers, or group care centers for minor--Tuition rate setting--Promulgation of Rules.

Section 13-28-40 - Enrollment options program established.

Section 13-28-41 - Request for transfer--Nonresident child excused from attending in another district--Nonresident child provided with alternative instruction.

Section 13-28-42.1 - Transfer of special education students--Nonresident district's responsibilities.

Section 13-28-43 - Enrollment of student in other than resident district or transfer within district--Approval and notification.

Section 13-28-44 - Standards for acceptance or rejection of application to enroll.

Section 13-28-45 - Transportation of transfer student.

Section 13-28-46 - Transfer credits.

Section 13-28-47 - Disclosure.

Section 13-28-47.1 - Return of student to resident school district or assigned school--Notice .

Section 13-28-48 - Nonresident district must serve student's grade level within district.

Section 13-28-50 - School districts to provide student mailing lists to Board of Regents and technical colleges--Use in providing post-secondary school information--Exception.

Section 13-28-51 - Enrollment of child on partial basis upon request of parent or guardian--Alternative instruction.

Section 13-28-52 - Promulgation of rules regarding services and tuition for children residing in residential treatment centers and intensive residential treatment centers.