South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 27 - Compulsory School Attendance
Section 13-27-6.1 - Student excused from attendance--Events of state, youth programs, and work as precinct election official.

13-27-6.1. Student excused from attendance--Events of state, youth programs, and work as precinct election official.
An elementary and secondary student is eligible to be counted for school attendance up to five days in a school term if an excuse from actual school attendance is requested by a parent or guardian for the purpose of attending events of state or nationally recognized youth programs of educational value or for the purpose of working as a precinct election official if the student is at least eighteen years old.

Source: SL 1977, ch 129, §1; SL 2004, ch 129, §1.

Structure South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Codified Laws

Title 13 - Education

Chapter 27 - Compulsory School Attendance

Section 13-27-1 - Responsibility of person controlling child--High school equivalency test preparation program--Kindergarten--Transfer from another state.

Section 13-27-1.1 - Religious exemption after eighth grade.

Section 13-27-1.2 - Promulgation of rules on high school equivalency testing.

Section 13-27-2 - Child excused from school.

Section 13-27-3 - Alternative instruction--Notification--Requirements.

Section 13-27-3.1 - Birth certificate or affidavit to be submitted--Violation as misdemeanor.

Section 13-27-3.2 - Maintenance of birth certificate by school as permanent record.

Section 13-27-3.3 - Report to district school board of children for whom birth certificate not furnished--Board to notify state's attorney.

Section 13-27-3.4 - Certified copy of birth certificate to be provided to certain persons at no cost.

Section 13-27-6 - Child excused because of illness in family.

Section 13-27-6.1 - Student excused from attendance--Events of state, youth programs, and work as precinct election official.

Section 13-27-7 - Notification of alternative instruction.

Section 13-27-8 - Appeal on attendance matters to state board --Finality of decision.

Section 13-27-9 - Record of certificates of excuse--Copies to secretary and place of instruction.

Section 13-27-11 - Failure to send child to school as misdemeanor.

Section 13-27-14 - Truancy officer employed by district--Duties--President of board acting where no officer employed.

Section 13-27-15 - Attendance records maintained by superintendent or president of board--Reports required.

Section 13-27-16 - Warnings by school boards to send children to school--Report to truancy officer.

Section 13-27-17 - Investigations and records of truancy officer.

Section 13-27-18 - Neglect of duty by superintendent, president of board, school board, or truancy officer--Harboring or employment of truant child--Hindering attendance by child--Misdemeanor.

Section 13-27-19 - Truancy officers--Power--Authority to apprehend--Supervisory control by secretary.

Section 13-27-20 - Complaints against persons responsible for truancy--Contents of complaint--Verification--Dismissal.

Section 13-27-21 - Warrant for arrest of parent, guardian, or responsible person--Summons of witnesses.

Section 13-27-23 - Penalties invoked on finding of guilty.

Section 13-27-28 - Disobedience of circuit court order as contempt.

Section 13-27-29 - Placement of child who has attended unaccredited school or alternative program--Appeal.