13-15-31. Approval and adoption of agreements for whole-grade sharing of students--Term--Termination--Requirements.
Any agreement or contract entered into pursuant to §13-15-30 shall be approved by the secretary of education and shall remain in effect for a period of at least three years. It shall provide for the sharing of governance among the participating school districts. The school board of each participating school district shall adopt the contract or agreement no later than February first of the school year preceding the school year for which the agreement will take effect. The contract or agreement may be terminated by any participating school district if that school district provides written notice to the other participating school districts at least eighteen months prior to the termination.
The contract or agreement shall adhere to the following provisions:
(1)Students at one grade level within a school district are only eligible to attend school in another participating school district if all the students at that particular grade level within the school district are sent to another participating school district. The school boards of the participating school districts shall determine which students and which facilities will be shared under the terms of the agreement;
(2)The participating school districts may negotiate the rate of tuition that will be charged for any student sent to attend school in another participating school district. However, the rate of tuition per year may not be less than the per student allocation as defined in §13-13-10.1 for that school fiscal year;
(3)The fall enrollment as defined in §13-13-10.1 for each participating school district shall include any students that the school district sends to another participating school district to attend school, and may not include any students that are sent to the school district to attend school from other participating school districts;
(4)For the purposes of determining adequate yearly progress under the state's accountability system established in §13-3-62, and calculating the graduation rates, any student sent to another participating school district to attend school shall be counted in the receiving school district; and
(5)For the purposes of state aid for special education, the school residence of any student in need of special education or special education and related services who is sent to a participating school district to attend school remains with the sending school district. However, both the sending and the receiving school districts shall agree upon the student's individualized education program.
Source: SL 2009, ch 81, §2.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 15 - Intergovernmental Cooperation In Education
Section 13-15-1 - School district contracts with state agencies and subdivisions authorized.
Section 13-15-1.1 - Contracts between school districts to share services of employees.
Section 13-15-1.3 - Contracts between districts for joint facilities.
Section 13-15-1.4 - Shared employee services grant program.
Section 13-15-4 - School facilities located on federal property.
Section 13-15-9 - Interstate assignment of students on reciprocal basis only.
Section 13-15-11 - Contracts between districts for joint facilities.
Section 13-15-12 - Financing of interstate joint facilities.
Section 13-15-13 - Location of interstate joint facilities.
Section 13-15-20 - Agreement and contracts with education commission of the states.
Section 13-15-21 - Enrollment in adjoining school districts in Minnesota.
Section 13-15-23 - Transportation needs for students commuting between South Dakota and Minnesota.
Section 13-15-26 - Certain agreements forbidden.
Section 13-15-27 - Agreements exempt from § 13-15-26.
Section 13-15-30 - Agreements for whole-grade sharing of students--Conditions.
Section 13-15-32 - Promulgation of rules for whole-grade sharing of students.